How are indoor growers exposed?


also a steady jump in electric use that occurs on a 18/6 or 12/12 basis is all they really need to observe
Generally if you pay your electric bill on time, the electric company doesn't care! Remember they are a corporation, so you using more electricity gets them higher revenues. Exceptional electricity usage is not grounds for a search warrant - not that the electric company would report it anyways.

Stupid things that will get you caught!

1) Telling people about your grow op
2) Planting your plants in your backyard (neighbours and pedestrians have eyes remember)
3) The smell

Otherwise you're golden, the police don't have the resources to scan every house for the possibility of one or two plants. They will generally focus their efforts on major grow ops (15+ plants).


Well-Known Member
#7-Using local grow shops especially in smaller cities near you
Top advise this one. I bumped into someone connected with my landlord at a local grow shop about 2 years ago. Pretty sure he didn't know who I was (I only knew who he was due to him being in uniform and driving the company vehicle - in my opinion he was either spying on behalf of his boss for potential growers, or he was a grower himself who could probably benefit from this thread). Shook me right up for about a year.


Well-Known Member
Tell, smell and sell. That is, telling people.DON'T do it.

Everyone will tell at least one other person. Even if they swore on everything they hold sacred and they've been "your boy" since, "like, 8th grade". TRUST ME. They WILL tell someone. Maybe their wife, or (worst) girlfriend, another friend etc. This might not be so bad but then the person they told tells another person or two. And so on. Until word travels around the local drug scene and you either become an easy mark for an armed robbery or someone rolls on you to get out of some simple possession charge.

Two. Selling indiscriminately. Its best not to sell BUT if you are going to sell, don't sling grams or eights. Don't be a "dealer" at all. Wholesale to older, established people. People with families, medical patients, old-school guys who know how to be discreet and won't start offering up everyone they've ever smoked a joint with so the policeman won't call their mom.Don't have parties, don't sell to hot chicks because you think it will get you some skin.

No scales, baggies, NO GUNS, no hash/extract paraphernalia, know where the closest school/daycare is. Don't be within 5000ft.

Check your state laws. There is usually a cut off where a simple infraction becomes felony intent. If its 4oz, package 3.75 to be safe. One bag. Few customers. Never at your place. You always get it from another guy in the town over...

Flowering cannabis STINKS. Even if you think you have a "low odor" strain. It stinks to everyone else. Most people know the smell and some types get off on playing neighborhood detective. The old lady who stares out the window and calls the police when a black guy drives down the street. She's LOOKIN for a reason. Dont give her one.

BTW, growing cannabis smells too. Even at 3 weeks of veg they will start to give off their characteristic skunky odor.

Things to worry less about: Infrared heat sensing police equipment. Supreme court decision makes those hard to justify a warrant.

Buying grow equipment: There is nothing illegal about buying soil, HOS light, hydroponic supplies, nutrients, grow tents, fans and other generic grow equipment. Again, we have constitutional rights and judges often tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to illegal search and seizure. You garbage can be searched once it is on the street so DO NOT throw anything marijuana related in the trash. Better to keep all grow related refuse in house until you can dispose of it discreetly. If a case is built on the purchase of grow equipment Lionel Hutz could get it tossed before it even goes to trial.

Power consumption: My water heater is 3000w. A toaster is about 900w. Unless you are jumping over 10,000w AND have been careless with other things (stems in trash, dealing from house, smell) They wont even notice.

Lastly. Have a good, experience defense lawyer in you phone. If anything goes down SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Do not say a single word. Call your lawyer ASAP. Getting busted and losing a crop sucks but a good lawyer can destroy a case against you built on weak, circumstantial evidence and unlawful searches.

I am blown away when I see people VOLUNTARILY consent to a search. Even if I had never broken a single law, I would never allow an officer to search through my private property "just to make sure" Amazing when people let police in to their car or home WHEN THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES! wtf?