How are my plant looking at Week 3 Day 28 from seed?


Auto white widow and Grapfruit automatic... i know for certain the ww is a female because of pistils, but idk anout the gfa. But When will they start too flower? and how im doing?Grapfruit Automatic.jpgDSCN0158.jpg


Active Member
they seem pretty good to me very healthy.If they are aytos soon they will begin to flower.Bravo


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if they are showing pistils then it shouldn't be long at all before they start to flower.

All in all, you've got some nice healthy plants! The size looks good for 3 weeks (28 days is 4 but still not bad for their size) and the leaves are nice and green, and reaching up for the sky. I call it the "grower's salute", and it means your plants are liking what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look great. When I grow autos I use a 24/7 light schedule and it works just fine producing decent quantity 1 oz per and the smoke has always been dynamo.