how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)


Well-Known Member
just wondering how u think my plants are doing atm , there both 1 week 2 days old

2 plants , both seedlings

i am a first time grower

using 125w cfl light (2 inches away)
have been watering every 3 days or when the soil drys out quite a bit
pics are below
Pictures arnt that good of detal



Active Member
looking good for cfl's, do you know the strain. well they are both indica dom for sure. May i suggest you put those babys in a box because you are waisting alot of light with them just on that desk like that. keep it up and good luck -DNK
yeah my girls are about the same age and you got me beat, all though mine have been out side in shitty weather all week. def put those in something to contain the light you will notice a world of difference


Well-Known Member
yeah there white widow seeds i bought off the net.... indica hmm should be nice den :) and they are in a box i just put them on the desk to take a picture lol, are they growing slow for 1 week 2 days ?Snapshot_20100623_1.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah there really starting to grow quicker the last couple days ive noticed :) really looking forward to em :)