How are my plants looking after 30 days, 12 days 12/12?

Hi guys,

Here's a bunch of photos of my plants. They have been on 12/12 for 12 days but still no sign of sex (at least not definite enough signs for a novice like me).

How are they looking? I've been watering every two days and they're in a soil and perlite mix with the soil apparently containing enough nutrients to grow a plant for three months (time release fertilizer, organic). I haven't added any other nutrients yet but I have some blood and bone stuff if needed...

They are starting to permeate the air with a delicious sweet smell and everyday they grow so quickly that I've burned two of them because they shot right into the light (if you're wondering what the leaf damage is).

I made this thread just to see if people think I'm looking good. This is my first indoor so I'm not sure if they're reasonable (most people's plants seem way bushier and stuff than mine on this site). I topped all of them which turned out to be a great move as it sprung up three new cola shoots on most of them. Thanks for any feed back. Also, are the signs of sex likely to start at the top or the bottom of the plant?


Actually it's been more like 14 days on 12/12. Is it a problem the sex isn't showing yet? I'm going to look for a macro setting on my cam and try to photograph where I think the balls/hairs should be sprouting.


Yea uro's onto something.. If the least little amount of light is getting into the box then your plants wont go into flower.


Well-Known Member
No sign of sex as far as i can are twenty days into veg and ill find flowers about four nodes from the top...sometimes you hunt for em...just make sure the dark period is dark enough..if your worried about light leak get some black plastic bags to go over em at nite
Well, my macro setting is a fail obviously. Can anybody decipher these photos, though? No signs of sex, right?
There has been times I've worried light was leaking in... I think I sorted out the issue yesterday though.
Damn you can tell that from looking at my photos? Or is that just a common reason for late flowering? Will they recover if I've got them in complete darkness now?
Do you think they're looking pale and spindly for 30 days? Would you add nutes or wait until flowering?
Thanks for responses.


Well-Known Member
That was just a educated guess. I believe your plants will be fine since, from the looks of it, they never went into flowering mode. What kinda nutes are you feeding them?
That was just a educated guess. I believe your plants will be fine since, from the looks of it, they never went into flowering mode. What kinda nutes are you feeding them?
I have some cheap blood and bone stuff but because the soil has time release nutes in it I haven't added any nutes. So you're saying that light leaks in the dark time are only a real problem once the plants actually start flowering?


Well-Known Member
Yea that would be my guess. The worst that I believe happened is that your plants only got 12 hrs of direct light instead of the 18. Your plants from what i can tell have not changed in appearance and thus the chemical change the plant undergoes to start its flowering has not happened. If it would have started its flowering cycle and a light leak develops, the plant would be stressed trying to figure out what to do since there is more hours of light in the day again. That's just my theory tho