how are these WW/Skunk looking


Well-Known Member
yeah you have plenty of space, i got a 2x2x4 and i wanna shot myself for it lol. i had the space too LMAO. o well, any way they look awesome man when are you going to flower???
i am thinking about going another 2 -3 weeks before i start to flower. started from seed they popped ground around oct.18-20th i am in no rush. i use a 600w mh digital ballast its switchable i have the hps bulb for flower. mine showed the hairs just last week. they are from nirvana.


Well-Known Member
i germinated the seeds and put them in 1 gallon pots with 3 cups of fox farm light warrior and 1 cup of fox farm ocean forrest, I only gave them superthrive,sensizyme,and hydroguard for the first week usally on my second watering. then the 4 time i water i used the same as second added the big bloom in this time i did that for the first 3-4 weeks then i transplanted them to 3 gallon pots of ocean forrest (3 cups)and a 1/2 cup perlite 2 weeks ago then gave nutes for the first time (grow big) once i seen they had recovered from transplant. i also started using humbolt roots at that time. my node growth are within a inch if that on them. i am using fox farm 3 pak i also gave them only 1/4 strength nutes so far i dont want to burn them


Well-Known Member
is how to tell what pot size you will need is to go by 1 gallon every Foot? if i was planing on them being around 2 1/2 feet would a 2 1/2 gallon medium be what im looking for???

i have space issues, which is why im trying to figure this out i realize the bigger the better but would this work?


Well-Known Member
so i went ahead and transplanted into new mediums which took more space then i thought it would so i was forced to take another one out, which by the time its all said and done i think i will have to take another 1 or 2 out.. i have them veggin in another place till i figure out what to do with them.



Well-Known Member
could i switch them over 12/12 to determine sex and then flip back, i realize this will cause stress but the only reason for doing this is because i dont have room to continue with all of them, i have 3 veggin under a shop light in another room

help lemme know


Well-Known Member
i was planning on going to get a 400 w in like 15 mins, do you think that will work for my 2x2x4 dimensions or is the 250 fine???


Well-Known Member
do you got vents in the tent? if heat aint a issue then get the 400 even 600 if poss. you do want a gallon of medium per vertical foot of plant height i started mine in 1 gallon gonna try finish in 5 gallons,check out humbolts roots dude stuff seems crazy i only use 1.2ml per gallon


Well-Known Member
well i had a 250 hps in there and i picked up the 400 today, i needed a new light no matter what, i had to set up another veg in anther room because i ran out of room in my tent. but yeah i do have an intake and exhaust to keep temps down they were around 75.... im look more at 80 ):


Well-Known Member
so heres an update, there currently under a 400w hps, and they are fucking big man, i topped them around 13-15 inches, im thinkin there ready to go into flow here pretty quick what do you think,

there ready
another week
another two



Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking, i just wanted to make sure this run that i get a decent yeild, last time i got anxious and flowered them at like 10" only ended up with 2 females, and got a lil under a O.. but ill start flowering them and i have 5 more that i couldnt fit in there any more under a 250.. so ill flower the others and see what fem to male ratio.

what if i only got 1 or 2 fems outa the five that are in there. can i then add a couple of the ones under the 250 and hopfully get a few more fems to keep in there? or is this a bad idea..


Well-Known Member
I dont see why not, itd be nice if they were close to the same height tho , not like an extreme difference.
All thats gonna happen is the ones u put in later on are gonna end up flowering for a bit after the other ones are done. Nothing bad will happen.

if ur gonna add the new ones if theres males, do it as soon as u see its a male , so that the other plants dont get huge and the others are still small.. know what i mean? so u can kinda keep the light as close as possible to both sets of plants.


Well-Known Member
yeah i get ya bro, thats what im gonna have to do. i started with 10 in there and now its down to only 5 in there lol. should i give them a full 12 of darkness before i kick the lights back on... i have a timer but the shit is complecated as fuck to redo lol i donno why but yeah i would just wondering because i was gonna go turn the lights off right now and the timmer is set from 6-6...