How are they Coming


Active Member
Well this is my first batch ever. they are completely outdoors and probably two weeks old.( but the weather last week was really shitty )




Active Member
ya Im really new, Im just using that one pot for now and when they get a little larger im gonna transfer em.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You need to transplant ASAP. The roots will grow very quickly and become tangled together. At that point, tearing them apart will kill them.


Active Member
thanks, do they look ok for their age( two weeks ) and Im using miracle grow that comes in powder form and using a very little bit in the water for them is that a good choice.


Well-Known Member
i started mine the same way, 3 plants in 1 pot. when i transfered them they just shot up. pics in sig

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
IMPORTANT: No more nutrients(miracle grow) for another two weeks! Even normal size plants at two weeks shouldn't be getting nutes and yours are pretty small for that age. Wait till they are at least the size of my pic. The soil provides plenty of food for little plants and if you are using tap water there's even more in that. Are you correcting your water's ph or anything like that? These are basic things for your plants' survival. Your plants look healthy so that's good but you need to act fast to keep them that way. And when you transplant them, quality soil will make all the difference and pay you back 100 times over. Good luck and keep us posted.:weed:

ps - that plant is two weeks old from planting but the grow medium is coco which is slightly faster than soil. Oh yeah, add some perlite to your soil. better drainage, more oxygen -> faster growth


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK, last thing. Go to Youtube. Type "Jose Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD." Watch parts 1-10 at your leisure (Will take an 1.5 hrs. total). Will increase your weed IQ 1000% I was in your shoes not that long ago. Reading through pages and pages of forums kinda sucks but kicking back and watching that video will be the best thing you ever did for your garden.


Active Member
Ok well its been raining a ton and I have set up a really low quality set up until it stops raining, or I am just gonna keep this set up just depends.

*By the way the toothpicks are helping the stems stay up*

I really need to transfer them soon, I just need more pots and soil Lame.


Well-Known Member
you really need to transfer them into other pots, thier roots are probably really intangeled


Well-Known Member
you can put them in anything, even the plastic party cups. you can get like 20 cups for like 1.75