How are they looking?


I hope these guys are looking ok, they are about 3 weeks old, seem like they're growing a little slow. I have one 26watt CFL on it about 3 inches above the plant 24 hours a day. Problem is when I planted them I didn't have a lamp for it yet so it had a full day sunshine then i had to take it in for the night so its only had the CFL on it for about 3 days straight now, did I mess up? Should I start over?

Here are some pictures.



Well-Known Member
That first one is growing sideways :eyesmoke:

They do not look good at all. Very thin, stretched and fragile.

Only one plant per pot
Get proper lights
Get proper nutes
Ph your mixture

Try again


Active Member
That first one is growing sideways :eyesmoke:

They do not look good at all. Very thin, stretched and fragile.

Only one plant per pot
Get proper lights
Get proper nutes
Ph your mixture

Try again

I agree it looks kind of bad.
The real problem here is, if you do get them into a healthy state this early stress could lead to hermies, when you go to transplant the roots will all be interlocked... it's kind of a bad scenario all around.


Yea, I'm obviously not an experienced grower, obviously haha. Should I ditch entirely and start over? I'm using store bought potting soil, it is Maricle Grow. I read through the tutorials on it, and I know one plant per pot, I know, I know. Is there any salvagable plants in there, should I find the healthiest one and kill off the rest or just completely ditch all together?


n00b :-P


First - U have to have more light.
I would start again, better prepared.
U can save them and start 12/12 + LST, but there will be not much to smoke after 2-3 months. In my opinion - westing your time this way.
Start again.
Good luck