How bad can it be??

Is it possible for lights to get slightly brighter as they burn in?

For me it's quiet the opposite, when I turn on my lights they pull more wattage and therefore run brighter.
After an hour or two they reach their work temperature and go down a bit.
Maybe that's simply the energy loss from heat, I thought.

But to have them run brighter after a while, that's a first for me!

BTW Quote:

"To understand why LEDs degrade, we first must understand the technology behind how they work. To light up a traditional bulb, the filament is heated in order to produce light. Over time, this filament gets hotter, weaker and eventually burns out.

LEDs, however, do not contain a filament and instead illuminate using a semiconductor. So instead of just instantly burning out like traditional bulbs, LED lights age over time and progressively get dimmer until they stop working altogether. This is what we call “lumen degradation” or “LED degradation”.

The term degradation in relation to LEDs refers to the decrease in luminous power over the course of the LED’s life.

Degradation is like an ageing process in which the LED becomes dimmer and darker over its life cycle."
That's a close to 15-year old article that you posted, here's something more recent:

Most girls only headquar

Lumiled has factories in San Jose, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Germany and Poland.
Yep. Like I said, the diodes that I have from them were manufactured in the US.