How bad do these look???

Light proofing with poly film or aluminum tape it is optional but I recommend it - makes them look less ghetto and probably speeds up rooting times by a bit.
I have both film and tape, but I also have that silver bubble wrap. I think I might give that a try. It might help keep the water temps down a lil. I'm kinda stoked to try it out. Thanks again. :bigjoint:
I have both film and tape, but I also have that silver bubble wrap. I think I might give that a try. It might help keep the water temps down a lil. I'm kinda stoked to try it out. Thanks again. :bigjoint:

NP - warm water is actually ok for the cuttings though. And personally I also just use tap water with the chlorine in it to keep everything clean and spiffy for them. Everyone has their own methodologies and different situations though (like if you local water supply might have chloramines in it instead of chlorine).
NP - warm water is actually ok for the cuttings though. And personally I also just use tap water with the chlorine in it to keep everything clean and spiffy for them. Everyone has their own methodologies and different situations though.
No worries of rot with the warmer water? I guess the chlorine keeps that at bay?
No worries of rot with the warmer water? I guess the chlorine keeps that at bay?

Damping off is caused by a mold or fungus that thrives more in cool/wet conditions vs warm/wet. And yes on the chlorine being beneficial to holding off any microbes of most sorts - and at drinking water levels I've not ever noticed it harms the cuttings.
Damping off is caused by a mold or fungus that thrives more in cool/wet conditions vs warm/wet. And yes on the chlorine being beneficial to holding off any microbes of most sorts - and at drinking water levels I've not ever noticed it harms the cuttings.
Cool... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
Cool... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.

From Univ. of Minn Agg Extension. Article is geared towards germination but some applies in regards to managing threat of damping off for cuttings. And as you probably aren't/shouldn't run cuttings under intense or hot lights, there's probably not much need to insulate heavily if they are near comfortable room temperature. But again, your environment/conditions may be different from mine:

Disease is particularly severe when seeds are planted in soils that are too cool for optimal germination or when weather turns cool and wet after planting resulting in slow germination and growth.

The damping off pathogens thrive in cool wet conditions. And any condition that slows plant growth will increase damping off.

Preventing and managing the disease
  • Use a heating pad under trays to warm soil to 70-75°F for indoor plant production.
  • Use clean warm (68 – 77 F) water to water young seedlings. Cool water (50 F) slows plant growth and increases the opportunity for infection.

Cloning like that takes time. The fastest I get clones are in my aerocloners. I can have roots in 4 days and no drooping or anything. Generally have 99% success. I churn out a few hundred a day. Patience my friend. And those domes and trays are far too small.
Ya I didnt realize how small they were when I ordered them. I removed the dome and put a clear tote over them and they're doing well now. Hard to say but looks like I may only lose 2 out of 24. I will be looking into a more efficient method.
I don't at this second. But it's simple enough: Something like those Folger's containers + maybe 4 foam collars per lid. Cut out circles for the foam collars. Drill a little hole up top for an airline to go to a little air stone. Wrap it up in poly film or use aluminum ducting tape to lightproof. Fill it up with water about half way and the bursting bubbles keep the rooting end of the cuttings wet.

Edited to add a picture I yoinked from someone else that used some really small foam collars made from foam darts for a nerf gun... Might do that with the next one I make since you can fit so many more into each container that way.
I like this idea. May be making some of these for my next go round. Or maybe 1 big one with some longer air stones (tubes).