How bad is the smell?


Well-Known Member
I am concerned that when I use an exaust to circulate the air from my grow closet that the smell of the plants will be bad.

1. How bad does the oder get?
2. By exausting the oder outside will the smell be potent enough to alarm people or will it smell there is a skunk in my house?

Got any ideas? Let me (and others who care to know) how to work this problem out.

Thanks Guys!


Well-Known Member
Its noticeable, with most strains. I would just get a Carbon Filter. Or something similar, will take care of the smell. Grow on : )


Well-Known Member
What kind of strain are you growing? Every strain has a different smell. Depends on strain and amount of plants. Look in to filters to help with smell.


Well-Known Member
I am not growing yet but I think I am going to go with Mazar. As far as how many plants? Initially it will be 10 but more in the future.


Well-Known Member
Also depends on your living situation. Our your neighbors close? If is going to smell so if it's a concern check into a carbon filter.


New Member
hi there, you could always make one to suit your needs mate. i did and it cured the smell. i used a plastic sealable box with a pc fan and some carbon filter from a cooker extractor, it works a treat.


Well-Known Member
I live in a duplex and there are neighbors on all sides. I have been looking into the carbon filter, but I still lack knowledge. Can someone explain to me how it works and why it works? How much am I looking to spend on something like that?


Elite Rolling Society
Any Indica strain, with high nitrogen nutes is going to give a LOUD skunk smell. In a closet witht the door closed, in a bed room with that door closed, the smell still creepsin to the entire house.
I don't have any experience with indoor sativa strains.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
When you grow, the odor should be taken very very seriously... it is NO joke.. some times .. just 2 plants can stink up an indoor area of 6,000 square feet... When you r plants are flowering or when you harvest, your ladies will STINK bad....



Active Member
what about adding a lot of baking soda to the room? wouldn't that absorb all the odors? also i have a air filter in my house that i'm hoping will take care of most the odor.


Well-Known Member
Baking soda will reduce some of the odor but weed is very pungent and needs an active filter to reduce the odor very well.

I saw a thread here that shows how to build one.. Check out the GrowFAQ link above this page........


Well-Known Member
Before this thread gets too out of hand I want to make sure we are able to answer my question.

1. How does the carbon filter work?

2. Why does it work or why is it so effective?


Well-Known Member
I am concerned that when I use an exaust to circulate the air from my grow closet that the smell of the plants will be bad.

1. How bad does the oder get?
2. By exausting the oder outside will the smell be potent enough to alarm people or will it smell there is a skunk in my house?

Got any ideas? Let me (and others who care to know) how to work this problem out.

Thanks Guys!
get a carbon filter fast;) it gone stink:lol:


Well-Known Member
Before this thread gets too out of hand I want to make sure we are able to answer my question.

1. How does the carbon filter work?

2. Why does it work or why is it so effective?
active carbon holds back the molecules you call smell and binds or cracks them. and it can be so effective since it pushes the level of emitted molecules below a value that is easy detectable;)

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Activated carbon is a sponge to odor or any thing else that passes through it.

Too hard to clean so it needs to be replaced as needed.

A negative ION generator would solve the problem of odor and mold and bacteria and does not need to be replaced.

Just think mold free cured buds with out the hastle or worry.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
A good charcoal filter will cost you far less than getting out of jail and a reatiner for an attorney will... ($150-300) You can build one for less but you need to have a good example to follow...

Masking agents, deodorizers, etc only cover up the smell. Anyone who knows the smell..or a drug dog.... are not fooled by these air fresheners.

good luck. *serious business* THAT SHOULD BE PRIORITY #1.

bt dt


Well-Known Member
video's cheap odor contol

Cheap odor control

(Inspired by4free)
....Do you know the Muffin fan
...the muffin fan
.... the muffin fan.

Actually, the whole setup cost about $30, and that is including the ONA.
You will need:
1. A five gallon bucket
2. A "muffin" fan, or a round fan of some sort that has the motor built into the compact frame of the fan.
3. A drill
4. A one pound container of Soil Moist, which is a water absorbing crystal. You can find it at almost all nurseries and grow shops.
5. ONA, or Odor Neutralizing Agent. YOu can get it at most grow shops or "baby" shops for new mommies.
6. A 5 gallong bucket lid, which may be optional.

(For what it's worth, another twist on this machine is I recently heard that pinesol & water in the bucket works good too.)

Get yourself a muffin fan, or a Durex brand or Holmes brand circular fan with base. They are very common at Wal-Mart and can usually be bought for less than $8 US. The reason you should get this brand of fan is because after you have removed the base, it fits perfectly into a five gallon bucket.

Step 2.
Using a flat screwdrive, pry of the nubs on the base and remove the screws.

Step 3.
Remove the fan from the base. Keep all the parts in case you might want the fan again someday.

Step 4.
Place the fan into the five gallon bucket, frontside up. If you boght the holmes brand fan pictures here it will fit VERY snugly. You don't even have to secure it in place.
(If it is smaller than the opening, then cut a hole, smaller than the diameter of the fan, into the bucket lid. Use some floral wire and secure the fan to the lid so that you can place the lid onto the bucket.)

Step 5.
Drill about 8 or 10 holes around the bucket.

Step 6.
Remove the fan/lid and put about 9 cups of water into the bucket. Then put about 1 cup of the ONA into the bucket and mix it up. Be careful, it can smell pretty strong at first.

Step 7.
Put about a cup or two of the soil moist into the bucket. Make sure that all of the liqued is absorbed. You don't have to use alot! The crystals expand to about 50 times their size.

Step 8.
Set the fan on the lowest setting and put it back on the bucket. Plug it in and put it somewhere in the corner of your grow room. I don't actually have mine in the closet itself...

You will notice a difference in about 5 minutes!
If you have a big grow room, I'd imagine you just use a bit more ONA or put the fan on a higher setting. Not only that, but ONA has a pleasant smell all by itself. It just smells *clean*, which is the best way to describe it.

The great thing is that the Soil Moist is re-useable. Once it dries out, mix up some more water/ona and pour it right in.

I'd say that that a cup of ONA, with the other parts water, lasts about 4 weeks or so.

I've been using mine now for a long time, and its perfect. When ppl come over, they always comment that our place smells "clean."
Using the soilmoist crystals REALLY makes the ONA last longer.

You may need to tweak it for your own grow room, but that's the basic design. Thanks!



moon shadow you say a negative ion generator will work
thats what i was hoping to use
i have heard they work excellent, but on these threads everybody goes for the carbon filter method of reducing smell...

for what reasons?
will the ion generator work well enough also?

farmer frank

Active Member
the smell is very strong ,take as many steps as u can , sealed room,carbon fiters,ozone generater, me can never be to much. . .small carbon filters are about 150, ozones ne ware from 75 an up up an away ,...the carbon comes wit fan that sucks air into it an cleans it ... if this helps i have 20 plants sealed room ,carbon filter, ozone generater, fans ,an my whole house stinks no visitors 4 me when flowering or harvest.... so never can do 2 much much is ur safety worth ? case thousands?...good luck