how bad is this going to stink???


Well-Known Member
Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on a lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now own newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.
fuck you!
how would you like it if someone took
all your medicine?

How about someone breaks into
your house and steals your diet pills
and high blood pressure pills.

because you look like you're on both of them.


Well-Known Member
yep pretty stinky...

i'm going to have to remmedity this...

and i only think i got that std while drunk fucking... i will never know... damn.

i still have some work to do. getting all the plants as close to the light as i can, turning the light. and what happens when water comes out of bottom? i have some rubber down, but that aint going to stop it from running else where.. open to suggestions..

putting the fan on the hps was a good move too.


Dj StaTus

Active Member
jojo u fucking puck bitch. i bet u were a little geek in school and got punked all the time and now that your a pig you wanna get back at all the cool kids who beat your ass when u were a geek. I really doubt the police is gonna waist there time trying to find out witch stoners grow a plant or two and if it is true it must be in a little peace of shit town in the middle of nowwhere.


Active Member
haha im not really a cop
Your still stupid for saying you are because cops are people who got picked on in highschool and wear a gun and badge so they can power trip and feel macho cause their "the law". they give parking tickets,speeding tickets while they speed themselves,arrest harmless stoners while alcoholics do all kinds of stupid shit and pharmicudical drugs are not considered bad at all, and they are a gang. All they do essentially is bully people around because they have a badge and are "the law". Instead of investing taxpayer money in equipment to catch gardeners go catch a murderer, rapist, pedifile,robber, hard drug dealer. Maybe wash your own car to instead of wasting more tax payer money on weekly sqaud car washes and details.


Well-Known Member
Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on a lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now own newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.
FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT....sorry, all i could come up with....faggot

Kush Over

Active Member
I understand everyone's anger on the issue of his statement. But I think it'd be best if we all just let it slide.

It'll display some true character and show people -- Buzz Killington and cannabis lover alike --that we're above pointless argument.

Remember, folks. It's best if we just..

:leaf:Grow on.:leaf:


stays relevant.
FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT....sorry, all i could come up with....faggot

I think that's enough infractions for a ban. You should learn how to articulate rather than using offensive and demeaning slurs against people. You're only displaying the type of life you were brought up to live.

Use your head next time.


Well-Known Member
Your still stupid for saying you are because cops are people who got picked on in highschool and wear a gun and badge so they can power trip and feel macho cause their "the law". they give parking tickets,speeding tickets while they speed themselves,arrest harmless stoners while alcoholics do all kinds of stupid shit and pharmicudical drugs are not considered bad at all, and they are a gang. All they do essentially is bully people around because they have a badge and are "the law". Instead of investing taxpayer money in equipment to catch gardeners go catch a murderer, rapist, pedifile,robber, hard drug dealer. Maybe wash your own car to instead of wasting more tax payer money on weekly sqaud car washes and details.
I think the whole "fuck the police" thing is way over hyped. My brother-in-law is a cop and he's the only guy my sister ever dated that I liked. None of these things apply to him. He was one of the most well-liked kids in school. Sure, some cops are assholes. They pick on harmless stoners and medical marijuana users and it's bullshit. Some of them are on power trips but locally, I get the impression that for most it's just a job.

I was a stoner long before I was diagnosed with AIDS, I just didn't look like one. I kept my hair short, was clean cut without tattoos or piercings and I was respectful so I didn't experience harrassment for the most part. Sure, there are crooked cops that rip off drug dealers and go back out and sell the drugs they confiscated. That happens alot here but I see it as "paying rent". If I was going to start dealing again like I was in my heyday, I'd be glad to have one of them looking out for me just because I brought them a little bit of change, it sure beats the alternative. When the police are protecting your dope business, there is nothing stopping you from expanding.

The biggest drug dealers in America are almost ALL informants. They pay off the police and get rid of the competition that way. They make so much money because pot is illegal so the law tends to work in their favor, in a way.

Not to offend anyone, but I just don't see it the way you do. I've known a lot of good people that were cops that didn't behave like shunned adolescents.

That said, I'm not dealing anymore and I am all for legalization. Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of people every year and it's legal. Marijuana has killed 0 people so far and counting. It's a shame that this innocent plant is illegal here. I do think the prohibition is drawing to a close though. I may never see the day, but I think many of you will still be here when they start selling packs of joints at the gas stations to people 21 and over. The fact that 12 states have enacted medical marijuana laws and 7 states have decriminalized possession of small quantities entirely speaks volumes. Decriminalization is a growing trend and polls show that %75 of the people believe it should be legalized, at least for medicinal use. The politicians can't ignore the people forever.

Sorry for the long winded post. I'm an author and a journalist, or was rather, before I got sick. Rambling is in my nature. Peace.


stays relevant.
I think the whole "fuck the police" thing is way over hyped. My brother-in-law is a cop and he's the only guy my sister ever dated that I liked. None of these things apply to him. He was one of the most well-liked kids in school. Sure, some cops are assholes. They pick on harmless stoners and medical marijuana users and it's bullshit. Some of them are on power trips but locally, I get the impression that for most it's just a job.

I was a stoner long before I was diagnosed with AIDS, I just didn't look like one. I kept my hair short, was clean cut without tattoos or piercings and I was respectful so I didn't experience harrassment for the most part. Sure, there are crooked cops that rip off drug dealers and go back out and sell the drugs they confiscated. That happens alot here but I see it as "paying rent". If I was going to start dealing again like I was in my heyday, I'd be glad to have one of them looking out for me just because I brought them a little bit of change, it sure beats the alternative. When the police are protecting your dope business, there is nothing stopping you from expanding.

The biggest drug dealers in America are almost ALL informants. They pay off the police and get rid of the competition that way. They make so much money because pot is illegal so the law tends to work in their favor, in a way.

Not to offend anyone, but I just don't see it the way you do. I've known a lot of good people that were cops that didn't behave like shunned adolescents.

That said, I'm not dealing anymore and I am all for legalization. Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of people every year and it's legal. Marijuana has killed 0 people so far and counting. It's a shame that this innocent plant is illegal here. I do think the prohibition is drawing to a close though. I may never see the day, but I think many of you will still be here when they start selling packs of joints at the gas stations to people 21 and over. The fact that 12 states have enacted medical marijuana laws and 7 states have decriminalized possession of small quantities entirely speaks volumes. Decriminalization is a growing trend and polls show that %75 of the people believe it should be legalized, at least for medicinal use. The politicians can't ignore the people forever.

Sorry for the long winded post. I'm an author and a journalist, or was rather, before I got sick. Rambling is in my nature. Peace.

Good post, best wishes.


Well-Known Member
You either love Sid as Myself, or something else, and im not to intrested in that. Any way have you, i like your style man, ill be cruisen on this thread.


Well-Known Member
I think that's enough infractions for a ban. You should learn how to articulate rather than using offensive and demeaning slurs against people. You're only displaying the type of life you were brought up to live.

Use your head next time.
No need to be hypersensitive dude. This guy is a douche and should be handled accordingly. My apologies to any people leading an "alternative lifestyle" that were offended. I'll stick with labeling people of that type as "douchebag" from here on out. I'm sure that'll pass as semi-pc.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that you been able to have non-violent interactions with the
police. Me however, on the other, it always seems like they pick on me,
or my family. Just a month ago, my sister was walking home and a police stopped her and asked what she was doing and she says "I'm going home", the police then snatches her and puts cuffs on her and when my sister told the policewoman to let her go, she said she was then under arrest for resisting arrest, simply because she said she was going home from work.
And now she is facing charges. Pretty sad our police down here are so low down. I'm pretty sure they all aren't like that, but most of them stereotype and do some shit that should have never been done.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add that that policewoman slammed the door on my
sisters leg leaving her 4 bruises, and she tased her twice.
Because she was "going home from work".

I think the whole "fuck the police" thing is way over hyped. My brother-in-law is a cop and he's the only guy my sister ever dated that I liked. None of these things apply to him. He was one of the most well-liked kids in school. Sure, some cops are assholes. They pick on harmless stoners and medical marijuana users and it's bullshit. Some of them are on power trips but locally, I get the impression that for most it's just a job.

I was a stoner long before I was diagnosed with AIDS, I just didn't look like one. I kept my hair short, was clean cut without tattoos or piercings and I was respectful so I didn't experience harrassment for the most part. Sure, there are crooked cops that rip off drug dealers and go back out and sell the drugs they confiscated. That happens alot here but I see it as "paying rent". If I was going to start dealing again like I was in my heyday, I'd be glad to have one of them looking out for me just because I brought them a little bit of change, it sure beats the alternative. When the police are protecting your dope business, there is nothing stopping you from expanding.

The biggest drug dealers in America are almost ALL informants. They pay off the police and get rid of the competition that way. They make so much money because pot is illegal so the law tends to work in their favor, in a way.

Not to offend anyone, but I just don't see it the way you do. I've known a lot of good people that were cops that didn't behave like shunned adolescents.

That said, I'm not dealing anymore and I am all for legalization. Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of people every year and it's legal. Marijuana has killed 0 people so far and counting. It's a shame that this innocent plant is illegal here. I do think the prohibition is drawing to a close though. I may never see the day, but I think many of you will still be here when they start selling packs of joints at the gas stations to people 21 and over. The fact that 12 states have enacted medical marijuana laws and 7 states have decriminalized possession of small quantities entirely speaks volumes. Decriminalization is a growing trend and polls show that %75 of the people believe it should be legalized, at least for medicinal use. The politicians can't ignore the people forever.

Sorry for the long winded post. I'm an author and a journalist, or was rather, before I got sick. Rambling is in my nature. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Bummer about your sister man. I was just speaking from my own experiences and I can only speak from a local perspective. I have friends that would disagree with me. Some (not all) of them have a tendency to swear and be disrespectful to the police, however, which causes many more problems than it's worth in my opinion. I have no problem sucking up to an authority figure for a few minutes if it keeps them out of my face. There are cops that will harass you just because they don't like the way you look or dress, or even because of your skin color. There are also some places in America where it's much much worse than where I live. Maybe I'm just lucky. I dunno. I do know for a fact that there are ALOT of beatings perpetrated by local police. I had one that even admitted that to me.

I like your sig though. Doug Wilson is the shit! I've had the Weeds theme song playing in my head for the last 3 days straight. Watched all four seasons for the third time about a week ago.
"...and the people in the houses all went to the university, where they were put in boxes and they came out all the same. There's doctor's and lawyers and business executives..."
Love the show, don't much care for the theme song though. Help!


Well-Known Member
im a medicinal patient. so eat a dickup! im 21 years old, and i would rather not take and get addicted to vicodins. i dont know when i am going to be able to afford surgery on both of my knees (torn miniscus) and would rather not take pills and after surgery be addicted to them at the age of 25..... bad idea if you ask me.

Just to let you growers know, this year 2009, we will be busting in on a lot of houses that grow mariuana indoors, we now own newer equipment with better technology this year to help us stop growers. So stop becuase you will be busted and do time in prison.