how "bad" will my harvest stink up my house?


my place is a little smaller than yours. i had a branch that snapped off when i mover her the other day. so i trimmed it and am drying it im my closet hanging in a cardboard box. its stinking up my whole house (and clothes)


Well-Known Member
Mine doesn't smell at all, but my harvest is kept in a small drying room with negative pressure and a carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
I'm more confused how you can have a 5200 square foot house and not be able to afford 100 dollars in ventilation? It really only smells for a few days, couldn't you just tell your family member that your going away for a week or something?


New Member
I'm more confused how you can have a 5200 square foot house and not be able to afford 100 dollars in ventilation? It really only smells for a few days, couldn't you just tell your family member that your going away for a week or something?
i'm not different than anyone else, i got bills. right now, budget is super tight. the american dream, right? bust your ass all day working a job you don't like so you can keep food on the table, and creditors off your ass. it is what it is. how i managed to acquire my property is really nobodies business but my own. no offense.

i wish it were that easy i could just tell everyone to fuck off, but you don't know my situation, and it's complicated. this isn't the place to talk about our personal problems, and i only came here to this sub-forum seeking advice on a specific subject. anything not pertaining to the question at hand, is irrelevant. again, no offense.


New Member
Settle down sparky most of us are trying to help....
that wasn't directed at anyone here, it was a response to the notion i could tell my family to kick rocks.



Active Member
Hey dude, I am in similar situation to yourself right now. My two , only two this time, females are at day 49 of flowering . All my growing is done in a 6 x 6 x 10 ft walk in closet in my 2 bedroom apt . My neighbor just over the hall from me just happens to be the landlord . Suffice to say he does not like any weed smell of any sort in the hallways or coming from the doors. The apt is in a nice area of my city here in the Bay Area. Ok, there is probably more tolerance in this part of the country than some others . However, mj smoke is smoke to many people and so they demand it be kept outdoors. My landlord happens to be one of those people.

What I have noticed is that my mj plants do a lot of their stinking in veg. I know some will say otherwise but given that I have been constantly monitoring odor from my closet for years now , vegging is the stage I have to watch for most. An incident happened just at the start of flowering , last month, where I got a knock at my door . Slowly I went to open it and there was my landlords wife informing me that there was a UPS delivery for me. She had her little girl with her and she peers in the doorway and must have smelled something lingering the air coming from the closet. Low and behold about a week later , I bump into my landlord and he very firmly says " you need to keep the dope smoking outdoors ok, even my daughter smells it" . I thought very quickly and denied at first , then I went along with it just to avoid a mention of growing. Smoking is one thing but growing is another issue entirely.

Over the past few weeks I have been doing everything possible to mitigate the smell. So far so good as no more visits or complaints. I even will go outside periodically during the day and take a walk , then come back in and try and see if there is even the slightest whiff coming down the hallway or around my apt front door. Now bare in mind that in the past my landlord has told me that he smells mj smoke coming out of my apt. These were the exact same times that I sprayed some ozium around the doorway. Was he confusing the smell of ozium with mj smoke or did he think I was trying to mask the smell of smoke with ozium ?....I will never know and don't intend to find out either..

Ok , so what precautions have I taken with concealing the smell of my garden . Simply, I have put fabric conditioner sheets in my closet as well as in the small closet close to my front door. The smell of fresh clothes is everywhere now when I open the door. Not too heavy as to annoy my neighbors , just the clean washed smell of washed clothes. The smell can be irritating sometimes I have to say, but anything to get me and the girls through the next couple of weeks. Another thing is to try and create an airflow so that any odor leakage from the closet is not blown toward the front door. I keep windows open in my kitchen and bathroom to create a cross airflow at all time day and night. Honestly, bud odor if not addressed will make for some stressful times .

Whatever you decide on doing , remember to try and get the masking smell to fit into your environment and not cause too much suspicions with neighbors. Get PARANOID if you have to about how your plants are smelling . It could mean the difference between a completed harvest or an aborted effort that wasted your time and effort. All the best to you and let us know how things work out .


New Member
Good to know.... I have never tried baking soda but heard other people use it. I use ona spray in my car and it works great. It is an actual odor absorbant/neutralizer and not simply a masking agent.


New Member
Come on people once CPS got involved get that stuff out of there, the child is more important than your crop, COME ON !!!!! think logically Everyone in my house knows the consequences, a child can't make that decision

smokin away

Well-Known Member
i have 5 plants, the tallest is 52", the shortest is about 42". using some friends advice, who had previously worked for a local caregiver, the conservative estimate as of yesterday is i'll yield at minimum 1 lb.

i have a big house, roughly 5200 sq ft, but my closet/dresser are my only real options - outside of drying at a friends.

i ask because i have a family member who has young kids who come by now and again, and i try to keep this away from them, for fear that they'll a) tell the wrong someone, or b) get into my shit.

if i dry my shit in my closet, am i going to stink up the whole house for a few weeks, before i can start curing in mason jars?

just looking for some advice from someone experienced (this year will be my first successful harvest)

We all got to have a safe place within the dwelling for such aerobic disruptions I was doing mine in a 3.5' x 10' walk in closet until last year. The smell was rough when growing but when I clipped it really reeked. Had to move the country to carry on. I'm on a fixed income so the carbon setup was just too much. I still grasp with the topic to this day because I got some good weed out of that closet. If I was going to try it again I would get some dryer vent (3" flex duct) and hook it up to a cheap inline fan motor and hook up to the dryer vent in the wall. Being in a large house you could access your attic space and view the location of it. Just choose a direct route to the vent and tap in. They sell all this stuff at HDepot. Thanks for the memory as I still can't get that Skunky smell out of my head.



Active Member
Really bad. After all the years of getting bitched at-(YEP ol lady) have made a strain smells not so pungent . It is out there. Attics, garages, sheds need serious venting/ locks.. I like the smell/ not everyone else does . why not?

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
I just bought some of these gel strips that go on my air filter for the air return in my house. (2,000 sqft) Man oh man do those things work wonders. If you stick one or two on all the returns in your house, it would probably cut down on the smell until you could jar your bud. I picked em up at Lowes for like $2.50 a pop. It's been about 9 hours and they still have the house smelling like fruit basket or whatever the hell they were called. Just a thought, best a luck!

They are located in the aisle with the air filters.


Active Member
Well, with that new information, NO budget for ventilation, I would suggest the following. Buy a gallon bucket of Ona Gel $30-35. On the day you cut and bring the buds into the house open up the Ona and place in small containers around the house and as much as you can in the room and closet.

Next, check the humidity in the closet. If it's around 40% you are looking at only 3-4 days of hang drying. If it's higher than 50% buy a small de-humidifier for under $50 (still in your budget). Hanging bud doesn't smell as strong as living flowering plants. The Ona gel in the closet should do a good job.

Here is a couple other suggestions. Harvest day, when you are trimming all the branches and leaves is when the house will smell the worst. I do all my cutting and hanging then I flush the house. I turn on the fan on the central heat and air if the house. Then I open every window and turn on all fans. After about an hour the house will be flushed of the strong odors from trimming. If you can do this on a breezy day it's better and faster. And think about doing it in the middle of the night when most neighbors are asleep and not walking their pets!

You need a good three day window when you are "out of town" and can't have any visitors. Once in the jars, nothing to worry about. Throw all the fan leaves and trimmings into a paper bag or freezer bag and place into the freezer. All the trimmings can be made into dry ice hash in about 5 minutes. It's fast setup and clean up with out the time investment in bubble or butane. Just need to source the dry ice locally and a 160 micron bag is about $20. Think you would still be in your budget and you would have some tasty hash.

Good luck!
There's your answer, this guy has it down.

And thanks, I'm going to look up dry ice hash instructions.


Active Member
Come on people once CPS got involved get that stuff out of there, the child is more important than your crop, COME ON !!!!! think logically Everyone in my house knows the consequences, a child can't make that decision
Someone else's kid is not more important than his crop.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Wow with a house that big just pick a spot that most people even you usually wont go to and grow your shit there. I didn't have a carbon filter on my last grow. I grew in my basement and have a 2 story house and it stunk pretty bad.


Active Member
Tell your family you have an antibiotic resistant, highly infectious strain of as yet unidentified flesh eating bacteria. That ought to keep them at bay for a week or two :)
Then, when your pot is jarred, tell them the Doctor got it all wrong...mix up at the lab...shakes head....haha