How Bernie Sanders lost black voters

Nice distortion dumbass. I said she turned such places into warzones, your reply demands that I answer as if the US is in a state of declared war in order to quantify. This is your go-to tactic and it just shows how facile your approach is to the explication of arguments. Why should I take you seriously?

Now would you like to know which countries became warzones while she was Sec-state? They were not only nice, but also peaceful. Libya for example was a veritable utopia. Syria was a well developed, secular state, even managing to avoid antagonizing its own Kurdish population. To be fair though, I won't blame Clinton for the occasional "Al Qaeda in Iraq" militant incursion in that country. I could go on.

She doesn't leverage power from her corporate overlords. She shills for them. You don't get ahead or get eaten, you eat others or get eaten. It's the American way. She's the status quo.
Libya was a "Veritable utopia"? Libya and Syria were "not only nice, but also peaceful" before Hillary got her hands on them? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of blinders do you have on? Have you ever read an actual history book? I bet people in Chad disagree about how "peaceful and nice" Libya was. Same with Misrata. And Syria, how exactly is Hillary responsible for what Assad has done to his own country? Where do you get your revisionist propaganda from? Get all your "news" and "history" from and Marxist forums?
Libya was a "Veritable utopia"?
Libya and Syria were "not only nice, but also peaceful" before Hillary got her hands on them?
That's correct.
Have you ever read an actual history book?
Righto... News sources outside of the US too, helps if you're proficient in other languages.
how exactly is Hillary responsible for what Assad has done
You seem viscerally intent on these loaded questions. Clinton and the CIA have been hellbent on overthrowing him for years.

That's correct.
Righto... News sources outside of the US too, helps if you're proficient in other languages.
You seem viscerally intent on these loaded questions. Clinton and the CIA have been hellbent on overthrowing him for years.
Ah I see. You're too indoctrinated to discuss anything with. I'll leave you to continue your "I'll suck anyone's dick if they're anti-american" fantasy circle jerk.
The funniest thing is that you probably believe the garbage you've been indoctrinated with. Keep suckling at the teat of a revolution that's never gonna come.
Ironic projections coming from an apologist of imperialism. In particular calling me indoctrinated, I overcame indoctrination when I shed the bullshit worldview I was issued in the US military as an imperialist stooge.

Keep sucking at the teat of Hillary Clinton and the nepotism that has become of the US political system.
Ironic projections coming from an apologist of imperialism. In particular calling me indoctrinated, I overcame indoctrination when I shed the bullshit worldview I was issued in the US military as an imperialist stooge.

Keep sucking at the teat of Hillary Clinton and the nepotism that has become of the US political system.

"Keep playing for the winning side while I parrot off my favorite buzzwords"

"Keep playing for the winning side while I parrot off my favorite buzzwords"
You call it playing for the winning side, I call it being an apologist for imperialism. You call me indoctrinated, I call you a nationalist. Just because the words I use are accurate, you declare them buzzwords. I'm glad they buzz you.

You stopped arguing the content several posts back in favor of ad hominem, therefore I win.
You call it playing for the winning side, I call it being an apologist for imperialism. You call me indoctrinated, I call you a nationalist. Just because the words I use are accurate, you declare them buzzwords. I'm glad they buzz you.

You stopped arguing the content several posts back in favor of name calling, therefore I win.
You never had a cogent argument to begin with. I refuted your central point, you had no rebuttal but to repeat your unfounded position. I won a long time ago, you just never noticed.
You never had a cogent argument to begin with. I refuted your central point, you had no rebuttal but to repeat your unfounded position. I won a long time ago, you just never noticed.
No, you distorted my argument, I pointed it out and stayed on point, and then you declared that I am indoctrinated and using buzzwords. Your reading comprehension is weak and logic is clearly not your strong suit. You won nothing, you simply narrowed your blinders and continued swinging from Shillary's nuts.
Feel sad for Bernie. It was his own fault.

Another poor black us thread?

The disconnect are blacks themselves.

The bolded comment is proof positive..need more than a march with MLK? what a self serving nasty ass black statement..this man put his life on the line for equality well before OP was out of diapers, if even born. I had always wondered after how it would be viewed in the future by those he stood with and tried to I have my answer.

Your OP 'what about us' mind set is exactly why this country is divided..we are you, you are us, when it comes to minimum wage, tuition free white brown.

That is what Sanders addressed in Iowa as well as Atlanta..he was trying to treat you as equal..but you're too stupid to realize it.

Stop trying to act like others owe, owe, owe..YOU.

Because you are too're = black as a whole.

Get off your high horse, already.
Another poor black us thread?

The disconnect are blacks themselves.

The bolded comment is proof positive..need more than a march with MLK? what a self serving nasty ass black statement..this man put his life on the line for equality well before OP was out of diapers, if even born. I had always wondered after how it would be viewed in the future by those he stood with and tried to I have my answer.

Your OP 'what about us' mind set is exactly why this country is divided..we are you, you are us, when it comes to minimum wage, tuition free white brown.

That is what Sanders addressed in Iowa as well as Atlanta..he was trying to treat you as equal..but you're too stupid to realize it.

Stop trying to act like others owe, owe, owe..YOU.

Because you are too're = black as a whole.

Get off your high horse, already.
So bitter, lol.
Can you be real for one day?
I canvassed for Bernie. I saw it first hand.
He is not new to me.
I knew of Bernie for a while, but I care more than the average dude.
And to deny the media blackout is silly. He barely got a mention until the South was over.
How can you be a fan of his for years, and vote for Hillary? The 2 are way different. Well, they were until hill flip flopped!
"I like having testicles, but I vote to chop them off"

Everything you mention is true..we can hope she will do the right thing and pick he for VP.

She got SOS after getting Obama establishment woody.

It would be fitting.