how big a deal is the Marc Emery extradition case to our cause?


New Member
My country's left-leaning current government have fucked up the economy again, and it looks like the Right are going to get back into power.

This guy is a silver-spoon mo' fo' (the guy reminds me of Thatcher)... just the guy to bring the country out of the recession we are heading for.

We get fat... then they take it away again. Right now people's homes are being taken from them... cost of living is up, wages are down. This country's heading to shit.

Believe me, cannabis users will be targeted and sentences increased. I live in the UK btw... things are getting tougher.

We need to get the real cannabis education into the mainstream press. Unfortunately all they are concerned about is sensationalism, and if it don't kill you (or the possibility thereof) they're not interested.

This bullshit in my country that weed causes psychological problems (apparently obtained from 'new evidence' that nobody ever questions)... they say it is much stronger now than the 60's and 70's (I've read reports of up to 500%) is also a myth. The strongest strains grow outdoors, and in tropical climates.

There's a lot of bullshit said about cannabis, and it seems there are too few of us willing to defend it. So we let people like Marc Emery do his time... let him cut a deal so he has to have 5 years of his liberty removed.

Jail time is pretty much the same, the hardest thing about jail is having your liberty removed. That's it... every day you just hold yourself down.

Who the fuck are they to remove our liberty for growing a plant? I don't drink their nasty alcohol or smoke their disgusting nicotine. Nor do I gamble or play their lotteries... I choose weed, so what?

This law is disgusting and an infringement on our HUMAN RIGHTS. I hate living in fear, makes me want to lash out. In itself it is a form of imprisonment. We don't want to hurt anybody, we just want to take our drug of choice.

Draconian bastards.