how big of a pot do i need?

Well-Known Member
how big of a pot do i need my first plant i started out in a measuring cup, and trasplanted it 2 days ago (i tore the roots off from what used to be like 6 inch roots are now about 1 inch roots :( ) it seems to be doing fine now though i put it in an easter basket

with my second plant i started in a peat pot ( its bigger than my 57 day old plant almost now) then i transplanted this into an easter bucket too cant i leave these in there for the rest of their life if i cut drain holes in them?


Active Member
depends on how big you want them to get. I usually go with a gallon per foot of growth. So If I wanted a 3 foot plant I would use a 3 gallon pot


Well-Known Member
dude can you like afford "real" pots? i was jw why your planting in random things like an easter basket, and measuring cups. trust me if your gunna cut corners with your grow, at least get good soil and bucket, pot, or what have you. just remember that cutting corners is gunna kill ur crop in the long run. I beg of you to take the time and read the growFAQ, it's well worth it. :peace: