How big of a reservoir should you use. How to upload an entire journal at once?

Gerry Lane

Active Member
I've just finished my first grow. The reservoir I used was a 20 gallons Rubbermaid Tote. My problem was I had to put so much water in the thing to just be below the roots. It was a lot of work. As my grow got larger, I began to realize they were going to grow into my lights so I switched the plants from the larger 20 gallon Rubbermaid tote to the 14 gallon Rubbermaid tote and lowered the floor 6-8 inches. My little plants did not like being moved and never really grew like they did in the 20 gallon tote. So my question as long winded as this seems is "What size Rubbermaid Tote do most DWC use? I have a ton of images of the grow I'm trying to upload, the problem, is I have an entire log with images I need to upload at once. Not sure what the best way to do it is. Any Suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Most will not run multiple plants in a single tote and probably because they learned the hard way. Just go single 5-7gal buckets.


Well-Known Member
Yea, avoid having a lot of plants in a container.. but back when I joined forum and the buppleponic crew was around most of them used a 10 gallon for 6 plants like the Stealth Hydro unit.. my first grow started with a 10 gallon/6 plant, but ended up with one monster in a 5gal container... have used 1 plant per bucket since. I learned a lot from it tho.. like you can cut away most of roots and plant will survive, anyways look at rdwc if you want to run one reservoir.

Gerry Lane

Active Member
Really. Hmm OK I believe you. And thanks. Now I have to figure out how to maximize my units in my cabinet. Its 36 inches long by 18 inches deep. since this was my first real grow, (my first grow ended horribly. I bought 100.00 worth of seeds and being new, I put the plates with the seeds on a seeding mat and cooked the seeds accidentally.) My second grow went from six plants in the 20 gallon tote to four. I lost one (being Male) and one because the others grew so fast they blocked out the light from the runt. I did have a problem with overcrowding.


New Member
In that space I would either do a couple 2g buckets or the multi site tote 12/12 from seed..... or hempy bucket sog.


Well-Known Member
I would run 1 plant in a 2 or 5 gallon bucket and then look up making a scrog netting and once net is full, flower before you run out of room... personal opinion.

Look up FlowaMasta's thread in the journal section, he has a tent, and isnt using DWC, but if your 'cab' isn't 2 foot tall you can pull decent weight in there with DWC. and a 1 bucket with external reservoir outside the room would be a lot simpler to manage..


Active Member
i run 5 ebb and flow scrogs and use 10 gallon totes.. i run 4 plants per scrog (per tote) and give them 2-3 week veg depending how fast clones root.. this allows me to have a perpetual hravest every 3 weeks.. 1 in and 1 out every 3 weeks.. i did run 3 strain in 1 system while i was working on the timing for the perpetual and i did have a great harvest it makes it easier to run 1 strain per tote because each plant uptakes different amounts of nutes.. i fill the totes with 8-9 gallons of water and top off every 3-4 days and completly changeing nutes every 7-10 days.. cut an extra hole in the lid of your tote and cover with a piece of panda with some velcro so u can drop an extra pump into the tank to empty res and then u can cover back up to advoid light getting into res.. i also put 2" of hydro on the bottom of my 7x7 pots then fill most full with coco ( that way you have something to absorb a little water and nutes incase you have power outage, rather than using straight hydro) back to my point i learned the hard way that i like to put another inch or 2 of hydro on top to advoid coco spilling into flood tray and that way when i refill resevoir i run the first 5 gallons of water through the top of the plants to wash any salt build up and that way you dont make a mess with the coco on top.. sorry im high and just giving you a small rundown of my 10 gallon systems..


Well-Known Member
And get a cordless drill and a 5gal paint mixer attachment for mixing the res. Just put it down your access hole and done in a few seconds.


Active Member
i use a giant paint stick to mix nutes and to stir bottom of res in ebb and flow.. no matter how much u stir its still going to settle on the bottom.. just change out nutes every 7-10 days.. (ebb and flow)