How brown/red do the hairs need to get? PICS


Active Member
Hello Fellow Tokers,

First time grower, it's a tiny plant but I want to use her to get seeds from. Anyhow, she is an outdoor plant but I have been bringing her in early every evening for about 7 days now to shorten her exposure to light to force her to bud/seed (the male stays outside sine I don't care him and I just want his pollen)
So, here is a pic of her hairs starting to brown on the ends- Do I wait for the whole hair to turn brown, or just a fraction?
Any help is appreciated,

Mr Solo Dolo

Also- there are damn gnats on my girl, are they harmful?



Well-Known Member
find one of the seed tutorials on here that should help you, if the hairs are turning brown then i'd say they've been pollinated, as they won't be stale at this age. is the male in flower?


Well-Known Member
Check out this thread for harvesting

Since you are hoping for seed you really mustn't harvest early or the seeds won't be mature and the weed will suck too. That plant has quite a ways to go, 5 or 6 weeks probably.. I don't know where you are growing, but she should flower just fine without you bringing her in and out every day. Days are getting pretty short all over the northern hemisphere:mrgreen:.

Hello Fellow Tokers,

First time grower, it's a tiny plant but I want to use her to get seeds from. Anyhow, she is an outdoor plant but I have been bringing her in early every evening for about 7 days now to shorten her exposure to light to force her to bud/seed (the male stays outside sine I don't care him and I just want his pollen)
So, here is a pic of her hairs starting to brown on the ends- Do I wait for the whole hair to turn brown, or just a fraction?
Any help is appreciated,

Mr Solo Dolo

Also- there are damn gnats on my girl, are they harmful?


Active Member
I also bring her in because it gets pretty cold outside now at night. I have bought an LED light off eBay and I plan on leaving her in the closet on 12/12 once I get the light.

Here are pics of the boy- he is way taller than she is. I assume that he is in flower.
If she is pollenated then I am going to get rid of the male- no need to keep him right??

Mr Solo Dolo



Active Member
Hey shnkrmn-
I have been growing her since June, do you really think she needs 5 more weeks to bud/seed? I was thinking she could do it now if I put her on a 12/12 cycle...?


Well-Known Member
Hey shnkrmn-
I have been growing her since June, do you really think she needs 5 more weeks to bud/seed? I was thinking she could do it now if I put her on a 12/12 cycle...?
Well, she IS flowering now; that's what all the hairs are. Unless it is an autoflowering strain it won't flower unless the photoperiod is short enough Plants need to be in flower for 7-12 weeks to ripen. They need at least 12 hours of complete darkness out of every twenty-four. Or be left outside entirely to let nature take its course. Good luck with that LED

How about a picture of the whole female?