How can I get my system to water itself?

I setup a flood and drain system yesturday morning. Hooked it all up and then had it water my plants at 4:00PM for 15 minutes when the lights came on. Then I let it drain. I was told the rockwool is supposed to get near completely dry before you water again. Well 4:00PM came around again today and the rockwool was still very wet.

I don't want to cause damping off or mold or anything but I'm going away for 5 days and I need this to work. Any ideas on what I can try? I've got 3 small plants in 4"x4" rockwool cubes.

The way the guy at the hydroponic store was talking I was expecting these to be near dry when I checked them today.

Any help would be great. Not sure what other details you guys need but I'll gladly share any information you guys might need to get a good judge on how to help me.

Thanks a lot,



Active Member
5 days? Make a mouse trap. Set a light timer so that a fan turns on at the time u need it to, the fan blade will pull a string which makes a hot wheels car roll down its track, hit a cup of water that falls over and waters your plants. Bam. Problem solved
5 days? Make a mouse trap. Set a light timer so that a fan turns on at the time u need it to, the fan blade will pull a string which makes a hot wheels car roll down its track, hit a cup of water that falls over and waters your plants. Bam. Problem solved

Yes.... Now how about some real answers? I don't own any hotwheels. :P