how can i get rid of gnats


Active Member
Please help 2nd week flower and I def have a small gnat prob...anyone know of a way i can treat my plants during flower


Well-Known Member
Layer of sand on soil and Yellow sticky traps for the adults and some sort of azamax, mosquito dunks etc for the larvae! Done deal! At least 2-3 weeks of this to kill the entire life cycle!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Gnats don't eat buds. Gnats (larva) eat dead/decomposting organic material (eg. green algae), and require a wet environment.

Like the others said, cover your soil...and try watering from the bottom.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yes gnats like inside the soil and under leaves and when you water will run up the sides of the pots, ! If you have bugs on your buds you might wanna double check that they are gnats!


Well-Known Member
Well, for starters don't water as often, then u can try masquito dunks, or u can buy epic shield leave guard bug spray. im not sure where u live. but some grow shops have it. or gonats wrks pretty good. but the main thing is to stop over watering. and u should see an improvement in a week or so. other than that checkm out they have answers for all!!!! ur ?s


Well-Known Member
Also, get a bunch of yellow sticky pads and that will get a lot of adults, u have to put them down at the base of the stalk.


Well-Known Member
I had them so bad my first grow that they stuck all over my buds too. youll figure it out. no big deal, at least they are not mites.


Well-Known Member
Try Gnatrol in the soil, it kills their eggs and it does work. That and stickey traps and you problem will be solved.


Well-Known Member
Let ur plants dry completely out till they even strt wilting. it wont hurt the plant. but it will piss off and kill the nat larvy in top of soil