How can I get smaller internode length


Active Member
goooood mornign everyone, just was curious as to what is the best way to shorten the length between nodes and create a bushier plant this way....

is there a magic spell?

a magic solution?

should i search a soothsayer to find a good seed?

Any help would be awesome! thanks!


Well-Known Member
also if you keep the light as close to the tops as possible with out burning them...that will fatten them up


Active Member
hmmm great... sounds like I might make a stop at home depot for some blue spectrum CFLs to help in my garden. I have a 150 watt HPS coming real soon in the mail, and 5 2700k cfls all ready for some clones....

but let's make it 7 by tonight.

thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
MH bulb best for flowering - produces strong, healthy, compact plants with short internodal length, increased root production, and lusher canopy development.


Well-Known Member
Im vegging some 5 week old plants under shoplights using 1 warm red/ 1 cool daylight flourescents. Should I just switch to all blues? =?


Well-Known Member
MH bulb best for flowering - produces strong, healthy, compact plants with short internodal length, increased root production, and lusher canopy development.
Acctually david i have to dissagree w/ you here. a metal halide works best for veg because of the blue spectrum.
Stick with high pressure sodium for flower.


Well-Known Member
Im vegging some 5 week old plants under shoplights using 1 warm red/ 1 cool daylight flourescents. Should I just switch to all blues? =?
if its working for you stick with it. Although, i would recomend more lights.

But to answer your question stick with what you have. Studies have shown that marijuana grows best under both red and blue spectrums.


Well-Known Member
sorry river2gates, meant vegging.

must have had a hard day, thanks for pointing that out to mr tinkerton - woukd have hated to fuck up his grow!


Well-Known Member
When flowering if you keep the temp the same when lights are on or off will give ya closer nodes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what I was thinking. I heard that mixed spectrum was best so I went for it, and they've been growing like crazy. I did add on 4 more flor. tubes. Should help out a bit


Active Member
yeah, i'm thinking about beefing up my grow cab with some more fluorescents... i'm thinking about putting tubes in the corners of the room in coordination with my 150 watt hps and my 5 CFLs hahha... i hope I have enough light for some tight buds, but we'll see!

still waiting for some clones, too... which feels a lot like waiting for the icecream truck to come by.

oh, happy valentines day everyone!



Well-Known Member
closer nodes comes from the intensity of lumens. try and keep the light close as possible. mines 12-14 inches away from my babies right now and while i was veg the light was about 12-20 inches away and i had little bushes.