How can I grow single Cannabis step by step, I'm newbie please help me I know nothing


Dear everyone,

I would like to plant single cannabis indoor, I have now idea how to start and what to do.
I would like to know how long will take? when it grow can I cut from it and leave it grow and each time I just cut from it and leave it grow, or I can use it only once and then when I need more I would need to grow more

should I put any lights in top of it to grow?? or leave as normal??
where to get the seeds?

I have no idea at allll help me please
I just need single one for my self I don't want to grow lots, also what is the different between male or female and which one is better?


Well-Known Member
^ Good idea. Do some research man. Nobody's gonna come in here and lay it all out for you step by step. It's impossible. Read up, watch those vids recommended above then come back with a few specific questions.


Well-Known Member
im jk man males dont grow buds they only grow leaves and pollen sacks if you keep a male growing by a female it will pollinatet it and the female will grow seeds. yes you have to have light to grow it it doesnt just grow on its own and no you cant cut the leafs and smoke them as it grows leafs dont get you high only the buds do. well they could get you high it would take a shit ton of them to get the job done though lol. you should do allot more recherch insted of posting on these forms when you get a general idea of how the plant grows and when you can tell the diff between a male and female then i would be more then happy to help you out. but to be honest it sounds like your a little young to be on these forms anyway. any mature person would know that a plant needs light to grow


Well-Known Member
This may be best advice u have got go read all stickies.and every thing u find on growing. And then read some more


Well-Known Member
What do you mean if you cut and let it grow, cut and let it grow? Are you saying you'll cut some to smoke now and then? You can't do that, you have to grow the plant to the end to get good buds, depending on and indica ( 8 to 9 weeks ) or sativas ( 11 to 12 weeks ). If you plan to just grow one plant I'd sugest you plant 2 to 3 seeds in case one or two are male, ( there's no garenty of females ). If you're growing indoors you definately needs lights, My opinion is go T5 HO florescents, they're not too expensive and I feel better than CFL's. You will need nutes eventually if you use soil, with hydro definately will. Most nutes have dif formulars for veg and bloom, check out hydro stores near you on on the internet.....hope this helps....good luck.


many thanks to every one especially

I know that I needed more reading and researching, I'm sorry I just posted straightaway, the reason is that I needed to know if I can grow single plant I know I could do but the heats and lights will cost me more so if I but it will be better than just growing it

I'm not so young I'm just new in weed world

Thanks to
  • DeeTee[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]really helpful [/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]what about the heats? I was watching video says needs heats?

    the thing is that, I'm ok to grow 2 or 3 or even 5 but the problem is what about if someone knows that?? it will be a problem wouldn't it??????? but one will be easy to hide.

    so all the process may take up to 3 months to have good stuff

    you all right I need to read more and more then I will post again

    thanks to every one for the advice




Active Member
Others have said the best advice. I also suggest trying something that is low cost as you can go. Get some pro soil (available at ACE hardware, some perlite, about 4 cfls (I suggest 2 cool light 2 day light you can use all 4 at the same time but one works better for veg and the other for flowering) ans a few bag seeds and go to town. The issue is you may get males and if you are only doing the 1 at a time that can be a major pain. You can try single seed centre for a great choice of single feminized seeds if you have the $ they avg about $18-$20 ea and then you have to pay to ship as well.

The point I am making is unless you have a surplus of cash, there is no need to start spending bill and rent money to grow plants that may not even survive. Best of luck to you...feel free to ask specific questions after reading and studying. Always rfemember anyone can grow cannabis...growing GOOD cannabis is a process that takes, time, education, and dedication. +rep for 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
u need to vent the heat dont worry abut heat right now though thats what we worry about when you are desiging your grow room u never add heat though if thats what your asking if your growing indoor the mission is to make it as selth as possible a grow tent is a good way to selth shit up then just tell people its a idk lol its a ummmm tell them its a sweat shop and you got little chinese people working in it :)