How can i lower my water ph?

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
Is vinegar ok? I mean is lime juice better than vinegar? and with adding either of them with fertilizer make the fertilizer not work?


Well-Known Member
Why have you posted pretty much the same topic twice??? Be patieny, and someone is bound to help you out.

Like I said on your other thread:

Fertilisers are generally acidic.

Add the required amount to your water, and see if it lowers the pH substantially.


for god sakes man ph pro down is 9 bucks a bottle and lasts for sevral grows...also if your using nutriants be sure to add them first and cheak....I use fox farm and it has its own ph controlers in water out the tap is 7.6 and drops to 6 with nutes..I then ad ph pro up to bring it to 6.4. soil I use is black gold with a half a cup of dolmite lime per bag of soil and 2 inches of grow stones in the bottom of a 5 gal bucket. the dolomite should put your soil at exactly 7...... after this I cheak my run off ph and it sits at 6.6 usualy wich tells me im not going to lock them out.

Is vinegar ok? I mean is lime juice better than vinegar? and with adding either of them with fertilizer make the fertilizer not work?