How can I make distillate at home for vape carts ?

Cheap and effective. Go to the plumbing store and buy a length of 1.5 inch pvc pipe and some glue and two end caps. Cut a length of your piping somewhere around 10 inches ( one OZ = 6g oil ) and then one cap you will drill a hole right completely, through the center the diameter of the inside of a butane can nozzle and then partially though the same hole with a bit the same diameter of the outside of the can nozzle so that placing the nozzle in the hole and depressing the can will discharge its contents and glue it on one end of your pipe. The other cap drill numerous small holes. Now stuff the tube with as much dry powdered bud and pack some coffee filters into the bottom cap and force it onto the pipe, stick in the freezer with the butane cans or better yet a bag of dry ice, then when as cold as you can get it and blast butane through into a metal container. Degas by using warm water then boiling water as a safe heat source, then finish off on a hotplate. Make it just start to smoke then withdraw and repeat until all of the bubbles are gone, cool down and enjoy spread it , dab, it eat it, smoke it.
Wait, did you just recommend blasting bho through a pvc pipe?
Wait, did you just recommend blasting bho through a pvc pipe?
It was back in the 80's, my first blast was through pvc pipe and it was better than alcohol extraction. A small tube held an ounce and 3 cans of butane. Mostly dissolved hash and keef in dimethyl ether back in the day. I do not know how I managed not to blow myself up.
I stand by what I wrote 100 percent. I was suggesting that spending under $15 on kit making five grams of BHO from a pvc tube is like a fart in a wind storm definitely not a tempest in a teapot. Would it make more sense to drop a $100 on some Mickey Mouse commercial kit to make a few g's of BHO?
I host an annual BBQ featuring Salmon from Lake Ontario has a ppm mercury content, safe for an adult to consume up to six pounds per month with no health effect,
Leeching contaminates from pvc from prolonged contact with butane is rated at C1 which is fair not critical.
Leaving solvent extraction to professionals using stainless steel tubes (glass anything anywhere near BHO processing is for GL-asses) and the most prudent course of action.
I stand by what I wrote 100 percent. I was suggesting that spending under $15 on kit making five grams of BHO from a pvc tube is like a fart in a wind storm definitely not a tempest in a teapot. Would it make more sense to drop a $100 on some Mickey Mouse commercial kit to make a few g's of BHO?
I host an annual BBQ featuring Salmon from Lake Ontario has a ppm mercury content, safe for an adult to consume up to six pounds per month with no health effect,
Leeching contaminates from pvc from prolonged contact with butane is rated at C1 which is fair not critical.
Leaving solvent extraction to professionals using stainless steel tubes (glass anything anywhere near BHO processing is for GL-asses) and the most prudent course of action
I deleted my first post replying to this, it was a bit harsh. Dude, "cheap and effective" sounds dangerous. Members at riu hsve called out pvc and butane for years now. You may know how to do it where very limited amounts of plastic are leeched out. But if you think others are all capable of that, well, you have a lot more faith in ppl than I.
Truth is that I am quick to pan such things these days. Really, the good old days are long gone. I have McGiver'd my way to a very sophisticated apparatus over the years. I did start from some humble beginnings and my thought was that somebody might have as much fun with it as I had.
Sometimes I think too much, lol.