how can i tell ?


Well-Known Member
How can i tell if my buds are ripe without any form of magnification?
The only reason i ask is money is a bit tight at the moment and i wanted to know if its possible without having to buy any more gear(until next time)
Bifter :joint:

the widowman

Well-Known Member
if moneys abit tight i take some small leaves off the nugs and dry them on a window sil in full sun. give it 3/4 days and there dry, on harvesting take N,G,thumbs advice 70% red/orange hairs.


Active Member
Hey I found a 25x jewelers loop at the swap-meet for 2 bucks. It gets the tric's big enough to tell what color they are.


Well-Known Member
I found myself that I actually saw things better through a 30x magnifier than through a 100x. The 30 is easier to keep steady without moving 10 miles in microscopic terms.