How can people smoke several ounces in a week?


Well-Known Member
I admit I am only a LIGHT user of marijuana. I like to get high 1-3 times a week, and maybe when I do I might toke a booster dose after an hour or two to extend my high a bit longer.

Now try not to laugh here, but an ounce of reasonably good weed lasts me 6 months or more . My stuff is "pretty good", but it's not world-class: I smoke well grown Lowryder 2 (mostly) which is better than most of the stuff you can buy around here (mostly indica "downer" weed), but probably only half as potent as the very best strains you could grow.

So if I was a chronic smoker instead of a casual smoker, getting high several times every ounce would still last me over a month. How can people smoke 2-4 ounces of weed per WEEK?

Now if you've read this far, stick with me a bit. I'm a pretty big guy (220 LBS) and even with just "pretty decent" weed, 1/10 of a gram in a vaporizer gets me pretty high. In an oral dose I use about .35 grams and I am pretty high for 4-5 hours. (I am more conservatives with oral doses because the strength of the effects go up and down in waves for me and I don't enjoy the experience as much when I get TOO stoned).

Now I know people talk about tolerance, but I've been smoking at similar levels for over three years (prior to that I had quit getting high for 17 years) and over those 3 years I have barely developed any tolerance after my first few times getting high again after the abstinence period - I think because I never "oversmoke" (smoke more than I "need" trying to get more stoned).

Even back 20 years ago when I was a pretty heavy stoner (and my weed was not as good then as what I have now either), I smoked (as opposed to vaporizing which seems more efficient) 3-5 times a day, and a quarter ouce lasted me a week or so?

So do some of you people REALLY smoke multiple ounces per week, or is that just some kind of hyperbolized "bragging"? heh
you would have to try really hard to smoke any more than an oz a week of good bud, but I'm sure there is somebody out there who does it. If you're smoking more than an oz of good weed a week, you might want to cut back.
i Use for Medical Purpose, and know many people who would go through that in a week, only they would make edibles ie butter, oils, etc.
But I also know of MANY who smoke 2-3 Oz a week , for things like MS, cancer, aids, glaucoma, many more.
back in my heyday of smoking i'd go through an ounce or 2 a week, but it was never JUST me smoking it, and it was almost always wet as well. a lot of people bummed weed off me in various ways haha
totally can't imagine going through a full oz of potent dry weed nowadays but that's cause i no longer just sit and smoke with my buddies. nice work if you can get it eh?
i get high almost every night, not usually more than 1 gram on an average day, sometimes up to an 8th on the odd super smoking day, but those are few and far between.
I think they have either realllllly shitty weed or they're just full of shit and bragging. Just my opinion..
I used to smoke a lot more than I do now, but even when I was smoking everyday a half ounce still lasted me over a month. I use pipes and bongs though, so perhaps these people are smoking blunts or joints which waste more weed. Maybe when I grow my own and have more I will blaze it up quicker, but right now I'm happy that I don't go through as much as some of these folks.
I smoked an 8th a day for 2 years straight. So I pretty much went through an ounce of dank a week. It's not that hard to do. I personally don't smoke that way anymore. Now it's no more than once a week, two tops.
Easy...roll a couple blunts and share. Some need it more than others, some have built up a strong tolerance and need more. Me, I smoke it like peoples smoke cigarettes, when snowboarding, when fishing on my boat, when working, when playing, when hunting, when playing with the wife...makes me feel like a kid I guess...put that in ur peace pipe and smoke it.
Easy...roll a couple blunts and share. Some need it more than others, some have built up a strong tolerance and need more. Me, I smoke it like peoples smoke cigarettes, when snowboarding, when fishing on my boat, when working, when playing, when hunting, when playing with the wife...makes me feel like a kid I guess...put that in ur peace pipe and smoke it.

Ain't nothing wrong with that! It makes everything more enjoyable.
I think they have either realllllly shitty weed or they're just full of shit and bragging. Just my opinion..

NO Medical grade ! If you have not meet a REAL medical Marijuana patient they pretty much smoke FULL TIME. Because They HAVE to and prefer not to fry there liver with pills. I know shit loads of patients that smoke 2 ounce a week no problem. Yes, its there life, but its a better quality of life than sclerosis of the liver and death.
Your the one full of shit and hate. Just my opinion.
You really know ppl that SMOKE 2-3 oz's a week? That would be TERRIBLE on your throat and lungs. I can see vaporizing/edibles but not smoking...maybe from a perc or something so the hits are reallllllly smooth but still...that's a lot of smoke
an oz a week is about my max.
you would have to be smoking some bammer to
go through a couple or a few ounces in a week.
if you get stoned on a tiny bit of weed your lucky (same as me, bonus)
i think it would be more to do with how many recepters you have in your brain rather than your size that determine's how stoned you get, the more receptors you have the more stoned you get.
Mostly Vap and edibles.. But there are a few that prefer to put it through a bong.

The highs are different with all three. I'd prefer all three. Maybe an edible a few hours after a vaporizer wake n bake. then BTs to finish off the night bongsmiliebongsmilie

i want my med. card soooo bad.
has`nt Washington just recently introduced the new bill , and its before the house as well speak ?
you mean for legal 1 oz 3 plants for 21 yr olds? i think they are introducing it next week. however, introducing the bill generally means it'll be some months before the bill is voted on.

i'm going to try and get a card from the THC foundation but it'll be some at least a few months before I know anything about that.

indeed time for you guys to rally together and speak to your local senators and give them reason why this should pass.