How Can You Tell if a Woman is Fakeing an Orgazm?


New Member
I have to wear earplugs when I'm doin it. No shit.......... the screams, the begging, the threats to "get the fuck off of me or else"..............

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
On average it takes a woman 20mins to reach climax, so theres your start point cause if your not lasting that long then on average your not getting em off, other tale tell signs are pupil dialation, nipples hardening, them becoming more moist, lips "swelling" (they get 1.5x there regular size), muscle contractions in the pelvis ect..
Does it matter if she does? I still got to skeet everywhere!

Really though I can usually tell if I am paying attention, I break it off if a lady is tryna fake it with me, I like my ladies pleasured or not at all