how close my 150 hps from newborns ?


Active Member
im on my second day , i was looking at the tip of them and it was yellow :S no leafs just a pointy top, and yellow , :S burning them are'nt i ? so i raised my light to around 2 feet from them ( the light was at 1 feet from them )

anybody else uses a 150 watt hps light on new borns ?

and no i cant get anything else atm because its all coming tomorow or after tomorow

Dirt Bikin Buds

Well-Known Member
Light can never be too close as long as the temps are right. What are your temps? What are you getting tom?

Can you post pics?


Active Member
im on my way today to get the tempeture meter, but i know when i put my hand under the light at 1 feet, i could feel the uv rays , so i put it at 1 feet & half, i could just feel it a bit, and was'nt sure if still too close so now i put it at 2 feet, i dont really feel the uv rays anymore ( the heat ) but ill give it some time and ill check onto it , see if getting better or worse , if worse then ill put a emergency out quick and youll see me blogging like hell with pics on wtf to do lol

tomorow im getting a 400watt cmh lightbulb ( ceramic halid bulb ) & a 400 watt HPS lightbulb , also ill have my buckets ready with my trays and my emergency blankets, then ill be able to start my journal correctly ^.^ Strains at the moment ( arjan's haze #2 - super lemon haze - automatic blueberry - tomorow ill start new strains - Destroyer - Easy Jack - Cobra

:) 6 strains ( + 2 more arjan's haze #2 ) gonna be going at the same time lol , & im hoping i can go bread my destroyer with another one , just to mix up things a bit ;)