How close to finish?


Active Member
What you guys think is the finish date on her. Mainly clear trich but getting cloudy too. She is about 3 weeks ahead of schedule so she can't possibly be done yet right? Its a blue rhino



The hairs dont quite look brown yet, but the most accurate way to tell is by looking at the trichomes via magnification. I had a brain wreck that always finished in 5 weeks. The buds werent huge, but trichs were half clear/cloudy and all brown hairs in 5 weeks every time! You could just have a phenotype with a shorter flowering period. Here is a pretty nice guide found on RUI. Id just go with what you see, not how long it has been flowering.


Active Member
looks like a great read. Thanks bud, Ill check it out tomorrow. Maybe I got a plant like you had, shorter flowering time. Fuck, can't complain about that!


Well-Known Member
You know the score. Clear trichs are no good. When a few get amber then flush


Active Member
Yea ok Ill stick to my normal routine of checking trichs. I just never had a plant finish so early. Thanks for the info guys.