how close to put t5s?


Active Member
I have 2Ft 4 tubes T5 96 watts like 2 inch away now because there like 10 days old but from the start like inch from the cup until they broke ground...if that helps you...all about how good your air flow is but T5's are really low on heat too...


Active Member
Use the back of your hand as heat judgement and then watch the sprout for stretching. They grow quick so make sure it doesnt get lanky, but the t5 can get pretty close. If your room is hot from a heater then it will make your plant hotter as well, its all about your environment and airflow.


Well-Known Member
I would say for seedlings just starting out and with a ho t5 setup a good 10 inches. Then slowly move it down day by day. When they can handle the intensity I will have them 2 inches or less, sometimes I catch them touching the light and it will burn them, just be safe.