How cold can my plants get?


it's not cold that hurts the plants it's frost. if they didn't have frost on them they're good.

what's the furnace doin?

try this. there is a vacuum valve. it has two wires with spade connectors and a hose, that goes to a nipple on the induction fan motor. tap the valve with screwdriver handle. remove vacuum hose and make sure it isnt blocked. then inspect the nipples the vacuum hose came off of and make sure they are clear. this is likely your problem.
If it's an indica strain your growing you may be okay. I'm in the northeast and run indicas outdoors and they can take a couple frosts. If you only chill them for a night I think you should be okay. I grow in my cellar also. This cold isn't doing my ladies any favors with lights off at night. Good Luck man. Let us know how it worked out for you.
The stove couldn't be further from them. But I have 4,000 watts of light on them now.
I have 11 hrs to get service dude here smart enough to fix everything. I think he will
be here in about a half hour. If they die, that will be a pretty big, wind-up kick to the sack.

I let the dogs out at 7:30 this morning and by the time they hit the swing set, 2 laid down to get
their feet off the ground!!!! That is cold as fuck!! TV had -10 at that point. Honestly I thought
yesterday was a little colder cuz wind chill was -33, but the dogs can't even walk outside right now.

These are the days I cuss Belle out for having my city ass way the fuck up here in the Tundra!! roflmao.
It's all good. If they die, I'll have more going tomorrow.
I'm fight the same problem. I took off my venting that goes into the attic and am now venting it back into the room which keeps everything at 74! When lights are off it drops to about 55, this has slowed the growth significantly. I found a small plug in heater from the dollar store on a timer brought it back to 77 with lights off.
I have messed with a few furnaces. I am not fucking with this set up. I pushed the button on the small box in front and it was trying really hard to work.
I could hear shit rattling and making noises inside. The whole basement then smelt like diesel fuel and I said oh fuck, this will cost me some moeny. And the dude
was supposed to be here over an hour ago.
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If it's an indica strain your growing you may be okay. I'm in the northeast and run indicas outdoors and they can take a couple frosts. If you only chill them for a night I think you should be okay. I grow in my cellar also. This cold isn't doing my ladies any favors with lights off at night. Good Luck man. Let us know how it worked out for you.

Super Lemon Haze, DayDream Haze, Vale'Vale', and Jack Herer.
I have a few indica, but they are mostly Sativa this run.

its fuckin cold in here!

sorry man i thought you said furnace. you got enough copper in that setup to scrap and buy a whole new house.

you should check into getting an out side wood addon boiler. or at least a small stove in the basement? can't believe there are guys in the up without woodstoves? who knew.
the repair guys -

prolly took the back way to burn one. they werent sure if you were cool.

you shoulda told the lady you got one to burn, theyda been there yesterday.
You may just need a new nozzle. If the furnace fires and runs for a minute that could be the culprit. Pretty cheap fix. Don't hit that reset anymore or you'll spray fuel inside where you don't want it. Then you'll have a mess or possible fire on your hands. Once again good luck.
Hot water boiler? I have one of those. Could be your damper motor. I know that shit won't stay on if the damper is stuck shut, I had to bypass mine. I go through thermocouples every couple of winters too.
This is our second winter here at this house. Switching furnace to propane costs $2k. Switching to wood boiler about $5k (depending on which wood boiler I get obviously).
I was considering putting up a greenhouse and having the greenhouse pay for wood boiler, chain saw, decent splitter, etc.
Seriously half the houses on this road have wood boilers set up. My garage is really nice and I'd like to see about heating that as well.
OK. It isn't 9:30 but he's here.
Thanks for the support.
Good luck. Hopefully it's something simple. I doesn't hurt to knock on that bladder tank once in a while and make sure it's not ruptured too. When those go bad, you'll get pressure valve leaks from the pressure buildup.
He is going to fully service it, change a filter or two, and look for broken shit. As far as the infloor heat on the end
by my office, he said he's been here a few times over the years and it's an ongoing issue. (thanks old owners, and realtor whore).

He came upstairs to run to his van and said he thinks it just needs a good cleaning.
I could see resin and plant material stuck to his fucking nose from smelling my buds.
He was messing with his fingers cus they were sticking together. I can't believe this dude.
Just kidding. I don't think he was in the plants. He doesn't look like he burns. Pretty fucking
straight laced to be in the UP. In fact, I hope this fucker isn't a cop. lmao. Just kidding. Again.
friend of mine has his wood boiler in his garage

My garage may end up looking like this.



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I have a friend picking me up a frabill shanty and Mr buddy heater today actually.
Along with a refil adapter to refill the little canisters.
(excursion shanty btw)
these work great also set thermastat if room ever drops below temp they come on and keep your girls nice and price to keep them safe
So far he replaced a nozzle that was caked with shit and says after cleaning everything I should be good to go.
He still needs to change the oil filter looking thing on outside and open the door where I heard the noises and vacuum
that all out and look and see what the fuck I was hearing.
Time for another joint and cup of coffee.