how cold does it have to be to kill a plant

I've woken up to my plant being frozen pretty much solid- I wrapped the pot in a towel and put a little electric space heater near it and thawed it out- it was okay

I have a pic but danged if I can find it
There’s a few types of frosts if I remember correctly with slightly different temp ranges.

That being said anything under 36f or so should be worrisome.

when A plant goes through a frost a lot of the plant cells burst and then no longer function properly.
There is a visual wilted difference in the plant and the buds wind up a little fluffier or not as dense as they should as a result.
45f + you should be good just will see slowed growth as others have said
First frost kills them
No.. just depents on how hard the frost is and where they are outside.. you dont want sun hitting them before the frost melts off.. this is where frost is bad.. the cells in the leaves and plant tissue rupture and can kill them.. my plants have been through 3 frost and one good freeze so far this year .. i covered them with bed sheets one of the nights of frost and the night it froze here..
Obviously genetics matter but assuming you have a decent strain, freezing weather is fine as long as it warms up enough during the day. The whole dilemma though is that you hit this point of diminishing returns. The weather cools down, even freezing at night and the plants just stop growing or finishing. On top of that, they can only stay out in the cold for so long before you start losing your buds to rot.

So, know your genetics, don't worry about freezing weather if it warms up during the day and learn when to call it a day. Most people get to the point where you're losing more weight to rot every day than you are by letting the plants finish more.

Oh, and probably the most important thing of all, keep the roots moist. People tend to stop watering when it gets cold because they think the soil doesn't dry out as fast but it's the worst thing to do. The moisture acts as a buffer against the cold.
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First frost kills them
Giving such a vague and incorrect response opens the door for misconceptions.

First frost will not kill cannabis, even the second frost wont.

Ive had frost so bad twice this year, it's already killed off Peppers, Green Beans and a few other types of plants but yet the canna still remained fine, both Indica and Sativa..

The other day it dropped down to -4 C which is around 25F and they still took it.

Cannabis can handle frost, Cannabis however can not handle Canadian snow "there is a difference".
Obviously genetics matter but assuming you have a decent strain, freezing weather is fine as long as it warms up enough during the day. The whole dilemma though is that you hit this point of diminishing returns. The weather cools down, even freezing at night and the plants just stop growing or finishing. On top of that, they can only stay out in the cold for so long before you start losing your buds to rot.

So, know your genetics, don't worry about freezing weather if it warms up during the day and learn when to call it a day. Most people get to the point where you're losing more weight to rot every day than you are by letting the plants finish more.
I'll be hitting that point by 2 weeks if I don't watch it.. I have 2 plants left outside and if I do not start to prep to take them down, I will lose more to bud rot then I gain by a couple days more maturity.
Last year I took a plant all they up to Nov 6th in Zone 5b, if you know your zones and weather, this will tell you that cannabis can handle some cold ass weather and still survive..

Frost date for zone 5b is Oct 1st if that tells you anything
Giving such a vague and incorrect response opens the door for misconceptions.

First frost will not kill cannabis, even the second frost wont.

Ive had frost so bad twice this year, it's already killed off Peppers, Green Beans and a few other types of plants but yet the canna still remained fine, both Indica and Sativa..

The other day it dropped down to -4 C which is around 25F and they still took it.

Cannabis can handle frost, Cannabis however can not handle Canadian snow "there is a difference".
Frost ruptures cell walls. At first everything seems fine, but during the night the plant is taking damage from within. The second night of frost will take the plant to critical damage. The third night, the plant is already beginning to die. Perhaps if you live in an area with shorter frost periods in the night, the plants could last a few days longer, but I’m not sure they can handle as much frost as you think. After one night of frost you might as well chop, because all the plant is doing after frost is attempting to recover
Again I have went through several frosts and they can handle them.. If I chopped a plant down after it seen it's first frost I would be chopping early for no reason.. I deal with this being an outdoor Canadian grower, we have short ass grow seasons and harsh ass weather up here..
Now of course there are factors that may come in to play.. PM, rots, ect.. I never said you are not risking rots if you are pushing the limits, but you can safely push them past 1-2 hard frost days.. I know first hand from doing it.
But again the OP's "old question from years ago" asked how cold does it have to be to kill the plant..

I can tell you first hand -10c will not kill a cannabis plant "they are not happy with that temp tho" lol.. -40c however turns their stems brittle as fek.
Quick question is it safe to assume that the first frost or freeze will kill the bugs on the plant? If anyone gots any idea I would like to hear it.
Damn I was hoping it take care of them bastards
The are not super active during the cold, but it does not fully kill them.. usually this time of year, going into November is when all these bastards try to make their way inside, "that's where they die" lol