How come my seeds will not germinate?!


Well-Known Member

I am doing the paper towel method for my seeds to germ and I still do not see the white tails. How long will it take for them to germ because I have had them in the towel for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
it could take about 2 - 3 days. did you ph the water. i put the paper towel on a plate and put a bowl on top so no light would get in and gave them 3 days and the tap root were about an inch long. but every seed is different give them patience and love.


Well-Known Member
it could take about 2 - 3 days. did you ph the water. i put the paper towel on a plate and put a bowl on top so no light would get in and gave them 3 days and the tap root were about an inch long. but every seed is different give them patience and love.

How do you ph the water? I just use water from the Bathroom sink.


Well-Known Member
You get a ph kit and test. and keep it for 5.5 to 6.5 depending on the type of grow. no nutes unitll they are about 5-8 in tall


Well-Known Member
Did you say a few hours""" Are you a nuckle HEAD I think you have 0 chance of germing
any seed. Do I have any takers""""""


Well-Known Member
any one has a chance. just leave them alone for 2 days no light constantly damp i puddle my plate a little and lay the napkin in it.


Well-Known Member
all you really should have to do is put them in damp paper towel wrapped in plastic in a warm dark place and leave for at least a day, if you can;t wait for seeds to germ i dont htink youll get far.