How come weed loses its aroma while drying?


Well-Known Member
yo dude... you harvested too early, end of story. no genetic thing, im not saying you didnt see cloudy trichs, but that shit is deceiving(thats why i dont buy into all these "methods" to tell when a plant is done), experience is a teacher next time giver her more time.
SONOFABITCH!!! Well, I guess that's an easy mistake to rectify...that's the good way to look at it. I honestly didn't know that harvest time affected odor that much within a reasonable window. People always focus on harvest time as it relates to overall potency, or the ratio of CBD to THC to CBN and so forth. I figured if you harvest a bit early, the worst that happens is that you would have a higher THC to CBD ratio. I wasn't intending to harvest early actually, I had just read a thread on here in which the contention was made that most people harvest too late with a much too high a number of amber trichoms. It was suggested that a 50/50 mix of clear/cloudy with as few amber as possible, or mostly cloudy with as few amber as possible was ideal. I tried this experiment and I guess I paid the price. I will try this same clone again and next time give an extra 2-3 weeks and gauge the difference because this time I really felt my drying conditions were as perfectly controlled as I wanted them to be and I still ended up with hay.


Well-Known Member
i feel it man thats how i felt my first few harvests... like wtf am i doing wrong? listen, its okay to let the hairs dry out and shrivel up on the bud, sometimes that shit means nothing, i got a chernobyl thats a real good example, alll clear trichs and bud looks almost dry on the plant, but its still growing still popping new flowers and hairs, not as much, but still not ripe.. just let them motherfuckers grow the stank only gets stronger.


sorry to bring up an old thread but they hit the nail right on the head, every single time I've smelt that hay smell either from my crop or someone else's it was because we picked too early. I finally got it right this grow and let them go a week longer than I thought they should and I have absolutely no hay smell. AT ALL. when I open my dry room I almost get knocked over, felt up, and mugged by the smell that comes out lol