How come???


Well-Known Member
So i was chillin with a buddy and his other half the other day.Known them for quite a few yrs,good friends.They brought up some funny good times and one of them is my question basically.

Long story short.....

Good night with friends and some acid.3/4 of the way through the night Dankster puked.Was a buddys fault as he insisted on keepin me crackin up all night,and it was kinda hard to laugh and chug the OJ we were stealin from peeps all night.I was in process of swallowing the OJ and laughin at the same time and things didn't work out,i puked in the first thing i saw....the dog bowl.

It was at the most 10 minutes after i put an entire Pizza Hut pizza in the dog dish......i was done,nothing,nadda,fanito,finished.I felt NOTHING and all visuals were gone.I didn't even have tracers from a cig.

Why did i loose my trip from tossin my cookies?I know some of you guys can probably answer this.


Active Member
shock (for a lack of a better word) i think? something happening to your body like that sobers you up?? could be totally wrong though, and obviousily it wouldent happen every time

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Hmm im not sure.. I have thrown up on dose from laughing to much.. But it was more from the fact that everything was so funny that i laughed and laughed and laughed till the point my stomach couldnt take it anymore. Eventually i spewed ALL over the place.. Never stopped tripping though.. Very interesting.


Well-Known Member
shock (for a lack of a better word) i think? something happening to your body like that sobers you up?? could be totally wrong though, and obviousily it wouldent happen every time
To bad it wasn't that easy after havin a few to many drinks huh?I can can remember a few times i wish it was.

adrenaline sobers you up.
Why with me tossin my cookis though?I have done some things that may not have been the smartest thing at the time that i think had QUITE a bit more adrenaline involved than just a 20 second barf.....weird.

Hmm im not sure.. I have thrown up on dose from laughing to much.. But it was more from the fact that everything was so funny that i laughed and laughed and laughed till the point my stomach couldnt take it anymore. Eventually i spewed ALL over the place.. Never stopped tripping though.. Very interesting.
What up Mike!

Me and a friend(first timer)were kinda hijackin every ones OJ that night.Get in the circle...get passed the OJ...every one talkin an laughin....and me and him would slip off to another room...laugh and finish up the bottle,was a good night.

What actually made me puke was trying to swallow the oj while i started laughin.....kinda a bad timing thing you'd say,things got all screwed up in my throat and didn't know what to do and.....blaaaaahhhh......large thin crust pepperoni pizza gets donated to the doggy bowl.Ruined the ending.


Well-Known Member
i have had a simalar experence except i tripped really hard for like ten minutes then stopped , all after puking like two hours into eating three hits..i think your body processes toxins quicker and your trip is over faster unless your on mescaline of peyote ect... puking on that stuff makes you trip harder.


Well-Known Member
that dude was whining about "wish i could find some cid..." in another thread. lol

edit: oh it was this one hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
lol ... not really whining just saying i cant seem to be able to get ahold of any for years now and would love to be able to find some


Active Member
I puke on acid during the come up alot. Ussually after I finish puking is when I begin tripping hard though. I'm really not sure why it sobered you up though. It's not like it's digesting in your stomache so throwing up shouldn't really kill your trip.