how could i get bigger buds or is it to late?

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
damn that grew fast... 3 months! im going on my 6th month out doors buds lookin nice tho id just guess prolonging the veg would of increased bud size and yield


Well-Known Member
Use bat gauno as a top dressing to the soil, and get a product like bloombastic, or koolbloom.

U still have time.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice what does anyone think of nirvana by advanced nutrients i picked some up today its a bloom booster


Well-Known Member
ya that will work too.

but you should definetly get bat guano also and top dress teh soil with it, or seabird gauno. some sort of dry fertilizer high in phosphorous.


Well-Known Member
fuck advanced man, not worth it for just that and outdoor....pick up some molasses, and u could try out some guano. Look for the Indonesian bat guano (sunleaves) makes a good product. It will work well for what u have there.


I have just finished a soil grow where i was dabbling with advanced nutrients just the sensi cal (less messy than molasses and all in better proportions of calcium etc) and the over drive coz it sounded too good to be true but at least they have a good returns policy if you're not happy, well i was wrong it amazing i cant praise it enough! Now im 3/4 of the way through a new grow (soil etc again) using only Advanced nute's im useing a 2 part sensi bloom (which has a wetting agent in it like wet betty ((look on the A/N website, awsome product!)), from week 1-8 and sensi-cal through out the bloom (also used sensi-cal grow in veg too) hammer head which is like pk13/14 but better then the last two weeks use the over drive its the tits m8 and once you have splashed out a bit you use such small amounts it lasts for ages oh and dont forget the final phase flush also by A/N it takes out all the crap and leaves you with really top shelf pot leaving you with great flavor taste and smell, oh! and did i mention the ph perfect technology which balances out the ph for you so you never have to buy those bloody expensive ph up and downs. need i say more Advance Nutrients all the way m8 and if u want to see if im bull shitting this is my 5wk into flower Blue Venom it's 6ft!!! and coverd in buds the size of fir cones good luck m8 happy toking p.s i dont work for A/N beleive it or not lol
pps; bat guano wont give your buds the kick up the arse they need and is very expesive compared to £20 for 1ltr over drive and u use 2ml per ltre of water

