how deep is DWC

ok simple question but one i have not been able to find a answer too

just how deep is a DWC

is the amount of water more important than the depth of the water ?

whats the min depth/volume of water needed per plant

as a example a tub 100cmx100cm but just 10cm high holds 100L

so is it water volume or depth of water thats important


Well-Known Member
More importantly is water temp & aeration. You can find micro grows where they see how small than can make it(very small). Depends how big you want your plant to be. I would say a least 5 gal. per plant for every 4 weeks veg(but that can depend on how fast your plants are growing). Depth doesn't matter..... it's volume.:peace:


Well-Known Member
You need enough depth for the root mass to form, My root balls are usually 6-7" deep. The more water the better since less fluctuations.


Well-Known Member
Most important is having ample aeration. I use a 45 L/M air pump and always have ~ 4" of air space. The volume of moist air breaking the surface tension creates a very root-friendly environment

Come take a look at my LED tent. It has ~ 6" of nutes and 4" of airspace, BUT, it has 4 large Oxystones generating massive bubbles


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I start mine in ice-cream containers, then into 3gal bucket, then to a 5gal (deep enough). To me, better deeper than wider.

Took these yesterday.


Have fun