How did We ever grow anything In the 70s


Well-Known Member
How did We manage to grow weed in the 70s without all this information that we have now days? I always had a decent crop just winging it LOL


Well-Known Member
When I first joined I was ASTOUNDED by the amount of equipment people have. Nutrients, timers etc.

My parents and I just had a few plants in every room of the house the yard and in old fish tanks. Just a pot... and some pot.

The same with my mother's friend. She's in her 50's and doesn't do 'technology', so we just have them sitting in the yard and wing it.

But a good old book is always helpful when google isn't around. People freak out if their plant has yellow leaves and their internet connection isn't stable, not thinking about the library across the street.


Ursus marijanus
When I first joined I was ASTOUNDED by the amount of equipment people have. Nutrients, timers etc.

My parents and I just had a few plants in every room of the house the yard and in old fish tanks. Just a pot... and some pot.

The same with my mother's friend. She's in her 50's and doesn't do 'technology', so we just have them sitting in the yard and wing it.

But a good old book is always helpful when google isn't around. People freak out if their plant has yellow leaves and their internet connection isn't stable, not thinking about the library across the street.
When i was a youngin we had ... pot. But with all these genetics and fancy bits o'gear, we have ...


Well-Known Member
Yea just drop a seed in the ground down by the creek and let it be. never failed me LOL It just goes to show that you don't need all this fancy shit to have a successful grow.


Well-Known Member
But I agree selective breeding and providing optimum conditions for the particular strain will increase yield and potency, but it's only a major issue if you're growing commercially.

My parents and I made up for lack of yield (we tried to use what space we had playing the 'how many colas will grow in a 3 inch pot' game) with quantity. Some were ordered online, given by friends and some was bagseed.

Until I was about 12 I assumed the pot seeds were tobacco seeds, because no one in the house valued them all that much and my dad used rolling tobacco. I played with them and ate them when I was little, added them to art projects etc...


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome...

Side note, been a week of 12/12, my purple girls are finally showing flowers yeaa :)im happy....