How Did You Get Your Nym

I'm gardening curious, just not very good at it.
bs ive taste tested.

my username was after my late cat,in my younger years i did not realize sunny with a i was a large branch of islam. I figure neither did the shelter who named the cat Sunni. not many have mentioned about it few have, but its come up here and there.

Cat passed away a few years ago sadly.
I've used mine since 1995 when I started to create webpages and chat with people on Geocities. Before it was taken over by Yahoo. The name is derived from the second mode of the major scale, which was not my initial choice. Unfortunately, Phrygian3, which is my favorite mode, was already taken. Yes, I'm a total music nerd.
All I remember is I was high when I signed up, to the best place for experimental hydroponics bro science, and I think it had something to do with the goal of adding more sativa genes to hybrids (sativafy?) combined with the fact I preferred head high sativa-leaning hybrids over all the kush everyone was still smoking.

"if you're referring to "sativied," it might be a creative or informal way to describe a state of being satisfied or content after using a sativa strain of cannabis. However, it's worth noting that this usage is not standard English and would be considered informal or slang." - ChatGPT, gotta love it.
When I joined here, in more innocent times, I was an avid golfer with an embarassing swing flaw that led me to SHANK the ball with embarassing frequency, much to the amusement of my playing partners, who began to call me the shanker man. In a spirit of stoned self mockery I deleted the vowels and the rest is history.
TIL... I actually wondered more times than I can remember. In my head I know you as sjuhnkuhrmuhnuh so I guess I wasn't that far off :D
This place was a totally different world back then. There were several growers of real renowned that regularly posted, shared info and assistance. There was a lot more experimental grows getting posted, lots of unique set ups and styles. I’m really glad to have gotten to experience those days. RIU has literally helped shape parts of my life. It advanced my growing, introduced me to friends I’ve known for over a decade at this point. It’s literally gotten me jobs and opened doors to a few opportunities.

I’d love to see more of the community come back to it all. There used to be annual BBQs with members. It’s crazy to me that as more places have gotten legal, more of the community has fallen apart.
I feel the exact same way about Usenet (voice dictation keeps on changing that to HughesNet... grrrr) group alt drugs pot cultivation. First internet cultivation discussion group ever. Potroast participated and I bumped into Uncle Ben, who I know for a fact is the real one this time over on IC, who also participated.

Out of this single news group came The Screen of Green and the Sea of Green grow concepts, The Lucas formula (I could tell some brutal stories about the development of that), the evolution of the real, original (not ripped off by a sleazy American) Super Soil, the development of Bubble Bags. Here's a cut and paste of what I wrote in the About Me section of the website:

"The alt.drugs.pot.cultivation (adpc) newsgroup became an international forum for sharing info, uniting people in BC with those in the NL, with those in GB, with those in OZ, with those in the US. For the first time in history, people from all over the world were sharing their knowledge of growing and developing cannabis. That's not all they were sharing. A participant by the anonymous name (nym) of Jock lived in Amsterdam and was willing to send seeds to the U.S... "

My first seed purchase, 97 or 98 I think.

And actually communicating with Owsley Stanley and Sasha Shuglin in the alt drugs psychedelics ng was simply unbelievable. zBear told me what type of mushroom we used to pick in the cow fields down in Davie Florida (a cubie) and that type of knowledge, very early-internet, clearly demonstrated the depth and breadth of his knowledge.

"RIU has literally helped shape parts of my life."

adpc had that effect on me.:)
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