How did you pop your RIU cherry? (poll)

How did you bust your RIU cherry?

  • I didn't, I'm still a virgin

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Balls out

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • I love just starting threads with no forethought or purpose

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • shit, stomp, repeat, yada yada

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Pinny

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
I'm still on the fence


Did bublonichronic get new glasses?
lurked the "seed and strain reviews" for years for info. Finally made an account and posted a ton in that section. Those guys have no sense of humor though. They never even say "penis".

I wandered in here and there was a thread making fun of "iloveskywalkerog"'s disgusting and utterly fucked up hand.

I knew immediately I found my place.
Fucking right. It's all about that pussy.

Ok so it was not exactly as I remembered, potroast did not provide advice and there were 2 replies.

I found my 1st post by going to your/my profile page, content, click on the highest # scroll to bottom of page
click on Find older messages. keep repeating untill you reach an error msg then back up 1 page.

I only had to search through 2600 post and found my first in about 10 min. Your search may take longer.
There may be easier or shorter ways but thats how I found mine.
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I'm good, thank you! My son got married to a lovely Brazilian girl and other than that it's been quiet hurrah! How have you and your family been?

we've all been sick for the last month. kids always bringin shit home, you know how that is im sure. but otherwise good. busy as hell since my daughter decided she wanted to pass 6th grade into jr high. i didnt know it meant i had to got back to 7th grade too. fun fun