How do I attach the fans to the tent?



Alright, new problem, with that tent, fan combo, it is still pushing 90 degrees in the tent after 30 minutes of lights being on. What do?!?!?

I have a mylar tent and just bought an exhaust fan and an intake fan 4 inches. I have the holes in the tent already (pre-made)

and the fans I got

don't come with any attachments for the tent. What's that thing that attaches the fan to the tent?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't. It's "inline" It's part of the ducting once attached. Mines on the roof of my tent. It is a pain in the arse isn't it, try hanging it up with gardening wire. Bettter than one you can attach though as they take up less room imo


I have them in now but they are at a 90 degree angle just loose like. I guess I'll get some thread and hang it by the poles, that sounds like the simplest solution to the problem!


Well-Known Member
I have them in now but they are at a 90 degree angle just loose like. I guess I'll get some thread and hang it by the poles, that sounds like the simplest solution to the problem!
well don't use "thread"...use some string at least ;)


Active Member
I have them in now but they are at a 90 degree angle just loose like. I guess I'll get some thread and hang it by the poles, that sounds like the simplest solution to the problem!
I would use tape or some really strong thread. What ever you use make sure its strong. My fan fell a few weeks ago and crushed 1 of my plants :( I was well gutted.


well I am still going to keep them where they are, they don't seem in any danger of falling because they are held up by their own weight (I shook the tent to bloody hell and they were fine). The only reason I want to mess with it because it seems in my mind that having them @ a 90 degree angle isn't the best thing, tho in reality it probably doesn't matter at all.


Alright, new problem, with that tent, fan combo, it is still pushing 90 degrees in the tent after 30 minutes of lights being on. What do?!?!?


Well-Known Member
wow!!! what light are you running? i have a 4x4 tent, an 8" fan, and a 1000w light and my tent never gets above 80. and i live in the desert! you have some other issues im thinking. and the tent, if its the one im thinking about. it has the poles and the straps that come with it, and should have a bracket mount for your fan. maybe not though. you will def need some duct clamps, like 3 or 4 of them. some of that shit, im drawing a blank. but the silver shit that goes from the fan to the light. and yeah, its a pain. but you'll eventually figure it out. just takes a little common sense and some research and you will have it together in no time. home Depot has everything. and so does eBay.


the light is a 400 MH. And yea it's the tent in the link, just had the holes and no brackets. I don't really understand, the temp is the same with or without the fans.


Active Member
Ok to throw my two cents in make sure that the air is getting sucked into the tent by your inline fan. Make sure those vents are open and if they are try to open up everything you can to let air in. I had this issue not to long ago. All i did was make sure that the air was enough air flow. I know there are many variables, but this helped me.


^ yup, air being pushed in/out properly. I guess to be fair to the fans, the temp was 105 w/o them and now it's 95/97 .. So they are doing something but still unreasonably how imo


Alright, new problem, with that tent, fan combo, it is still pushing 90 degrees in the tent after 30 minutes of lights being on. What do?!?!?
I have felt your pain brother. What type of lighting are you using? What are ambient temps?

After pouring over these forums for months and having several prior grows under my belt from years past here is my summation.

If you are going to grow be prepared to buy the " right " equipment. I have a fan such as yours. It did not help. It now resides in a pile of un-used shit I bought trying to get my temps under control. A piece of duct here, a cheap fan there, maybe another intake vent, etc, etc. If I had back all the cash I spent on nickel and dime shit I could have just bought the right equipment first.

I ended up purchasing a 440 cfm fan just for my hood alone, and another 190cfm fan pulling air through a can filter for smell and im sure it gets some heat too. I use a speed controller on both cause during winter like now I have em both dialed to bout 10% speed to keep heat in, I would have never thought id have that issue when I was dealing with problems like yours.. lol

The basics are simple. Hot air out the top, cool air in the bottom. I would start with ambient temps for a base line. Your tent temps with lights on should be within 7-10 degrees of ambient temps. If outside tent is 70, inside no more than 80. Mine runs about 3-6 degrees difference.

So you can cool the ambient temps way down and use the duct fan to passively bring in the cool air to the bottom vent that may help. Also if you vent back into the room your tent is in your just " recycling " the hot air. Ambient temps will rise and so will the tent. I chose to delay my grow during setup until I was able to purchase fans and properly vent them outside.

Summary : AC to cool the hell out of the room the tent is in and keep it nice and chilly, or vent the heat out of the grow completely, or a little of both :)
the last option is the one I have found most expert growers use. Some dont vent at all and use dehumidifiers, AC, and Co2. Co2 allows you to run at higher temps.

Good Growing brother!


Well-Known Member
your 400 shouldnt be making that much heat to begin with i my opinion, there is a problem, my partner runns a 400 for veg in the bathroom and, no venting no nada, non cooled hood, what are the temps outside the tent??
those fans suck! and not lots of air i bought a 6 inch like that... lol but a real exaust fan get some air moving like at least 100-150 cfm to start you off. And you cant even attach a dial to those cuz the dont have a grounded plug,(2 prong not 3) i tried and it didnt work... eeek then i took my own advice bought a vortex6" like 500cfm to exaust my hood (1k) and carbon filter like 80 lbs but i wasted the money and have a small(er) pile of unsued things waiting to be used on a veg cab about 4x4

good post silentmercy, its most definitely tru what u say about nickle and diming you to DEATH on the equipment, I have a motto buy the best , and only cry once. end of story good luck mihow ill tag along


Well shit it sounds like my seeds might go to waste at this point. I just didn't think a 400w MH light would be so damn hot. The room temp is 74 degrees. So it's a 20-30 degree difference. I guess I just might wait but getting good weed in Florida seems impossible


Alright well i moved the tent to another room and just leaving the damn thing open the temp is 86 degrees. I have it about 2 feet away from a well and my central ac @ 72 degrees.


Alright well i moved the tent to another room and just leaving the damn thing open the temp is 86 degrees. I have it about 2 feet away from a well and my central ac @ 72 degrees.
Those temps ...86 degrees.... sound about right considering your ambient temp at 72. My ambient temps are at 68, and my tent holding steady at 75 today. You have about a 15 degree increase with the heat from the light, sounds normal.

IMO that fan just is not gonna get it done. If cash is an issue, put on a sweater and lower the AC to 68 if you can stand it... :) Another idea is to close the AC vents in the house to any un-used or frequented areas to redirect the cold air to the room with the tent.

The " Solution " is this...unnamed.jpg

You can find the fans by clicking here

Fan....$125.00 4" duct/dryer vent... $10.00 duct tape.... $5.00

Sleeping knowing your plants are growing serious nugs in a perfect tropical climate.... Priceless :-P

Start saving up bro, or add this to your Christmas list. Maybe aunt Judy is cool like that.. lol