How do i collect pollen?


Well-Known Member
Is the pollen invisible to the naked eye or something? cus I break these balls open and there's nothing inside. There are already clusters of em and some seem to have opened.


Active Member
Get a piece of black glossy paper (like magazine paper) and use a paint brush to wipe the pollen onto the paper then store or use immediately.


Active Member
Pollen will appear as yellowish dust. You will see it all over the leaves once the male flowers have begun opening up in earnest.

You can collect some by placing a small paper sack over a branch full of mature flowers, pinching the open end shut around the stem of the branch, and giving it a good shake or two... Bring the bag in and dump it out on a mirror, you should see the yellow dust.
Store pollen in an airtight container kept in a cool dry place, and it will keep for a while.


Well-Known Member
yea, it's just that mine doesn't look like any of the tutorials. I guess it's too early then cus I see no yellow dust.


Active Member
When the male flowers open up, in each flower you'll see 3 or 4 little yellow dangly things surrounded by the white flower petals.
That's when the pollen is droppin'. You'll know it when you see it man.