how do I control the size of my outdoor while maintaining quality

hi all, so I am new to actually growing good pot with real good seeds but i have been growing for years otherwise. I always use the wet papertowel in a ziplock method. I bought(all feminized for all the seeds) 5 "White Castle",5 "black jack", from Nirvana, but something was shady about the White Castle cause they either didnt germ or sprouted then died and then some various seeds from single seed company. anyways,
Couple ?'s, I have 2-black Jack, 1-Super Silver Haze, and 1-Black angel,
also 2 Red Dwarf Lowryder Auto I messed up and didnt give it enough light but are giving about a dried 1/4 each.

So here are my questions, we had a very nice spring and started them pretty early, they are all already at multiple sets of 5 leafs. I read what to expect as far as size, but 500gm2 doesnt mean anything to me at this point, but thats about a 1lb I figure. HOw big are these guys going to get? I have sufficient space on private land but i dont want to just "let them go". So what would be the best thing to do? After thy get like 4-5ft tie them over(I forget what the technique is called) but basically get them parallel with the ground? should I just limit the pot size which will limit growth but will it require more nutes cause of the less soil? I know its not good to Top the plant to many times so I dont just want to cut the top to the size I want, everyone knows that is bad. So I am just kind of wondering what are some of my option to let them get big, but not like 8ft tall and I am sure in 3 months that could happen.

2nd, set of questions,got some Auto strands but m in the same sit w the other ones.Not worried about the size, I meant my experience problems, I just order some bubbelicious and basic Haze Auto strands. They will be ready by end of july/beg August. just wondering if there is anything specific in regard to auto plants that I need to take into consideration in comparison to regular flowering plants. more nutes?less nutes? should i do a veg then bloom nutes or keep it to 1? any advice would be appreciated.


Peace and Love all


Well-Known Member
The 500gm2 is an average yield of 500gms per sq meter of canopy.
Not sure of the strains you mentioned, but what are they as that will determine your height more than amount of veg time.


Active Member
You can top them then Lst (low stress training) -tie them. it will give you bigger crop without dammaging qualety.