How do i convince a friend to do shrooms.


Well-Known Member
He has done lsd.. and other things but is scared to try shrooms he thinks he will have a bad trip which he said will ruin everything for him. He thinks its some type of evil drug only bred to give bad trips.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Tell him he's gotta get the powerup mushrooms or the Goombas will get him.

IDK Sounds like a dumbass to me. LSD was literally manufactured. Shrooms can be found in peoples backyard.


Well-Known Member
Your friend is fool, shroom is classic. That bad trip thing is shit, dont mean nothing to me


Well-Known Member
if you want your friend to trip, which isnt your choice...

you should give him some good facts about what magic these mushrooms hold...
if he ate shrooms right now, he'd probably have a bad trip because of his opinions on them.

you have to change his mind completely about magic mushrooms before even offering to trip with him.

-give him good incites about them.
-why do YOU enjoy tripping? let him know why.
-you should describe positive experiences you have had with them.
-let him read trip reports.
-describe all the physical, mental, and long term effects

REMEMBER: only you can make your own choices, dont force hallucinogens onto good friends that dont want to. but
sharing information and experiences about the drug to your friends can never be a bad thing. =]

if you do convince him to trip mushrooms with you, go outside and go hiking or go on a lonnnnng walk.
being at one with nature on mushrooms is a very beautiful thing.


Active Member
if he doesn't want to don't peer pressure him. If you do and he gives in he will most likely have a bad trip. He has to want to do it himself and go into it with the right mind set.


Well-Known Member
if he doesn't want to don't peer pressure him. If you do and he gives in he will most likely have a bad trip. He has to want to do it himself and go into it with the right mind set.
said it very short and concise, my friend

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i like acid better than shrooms

but shrooms is something different

tell him if he can handle real LSD then he can handle shrooms no problem. Just make sure that he is READY to eat them, if he's dealing with psychological problems it could effect his shroom trip. I don't have the same psychological issues or ties with LSD thats why I like LSD.

All in all, shrooms is great for introspection..

purple stanky

New Member
well not to sound like an asshole but just dont trow out ideas if those are the kind of
suggestions you are going to come up with. =/


Well-Known Member
if he doesn't want to don't peer pressure him. If you do and he gives in he will most likely have a bad trip. He has to want to do it himself and go into it with the right mind set.
No peer pressure.. He is my friend its not like im going to have give him a needle filled with h and tell him to shoot it up or i will kill his puppy.
Heatless I like your idea better, I told him all about them and the trip i also told him he will be in a good mind set at my place... i just really want to trip with him :[ we did lsd for the first time together and it was awesome now i want him to experience shrooms for the first time... he is on the fence about it, i told him we will play super mario on my nes :] its impossible to have a bad trip listening to 8-bit music :P


Your friend is fool, shroom is classic. That bad trip thing is shit, dont mean nothing to me
I agree. LSD is the most potent of hallucinogens, shrooms only unlock a portion of the chemicals that LSD does. A bad trip is just something psychological built up in your head, if you can break that down you will NEVER have a bad trip. Now you may not always have a trip is good as your best but it wont be bad.

If anything I am surprised your friend wouldn't be more scared of LSD. Shrooms just make you feel like a kid, where as LSD can play with your emotions on epic scales.

The best advice I can give is to simply lay it all out to him. Scientific facts, show him what LSD does and what shrooms do. Make him realize he isn't unlocking anything that hasn't been unlocked before. Then if he is still reluctant then you need to help him resolve whatever dormant fears are residing in his head, that he is afraid will show themselves during the trip.

Thats just my 2 cents, take it how you will :)


Well-Known Member
8 Bit music and shrooms = Epicness

yeah they taste pretty shitty, Best method I came by was apple sauce. Break them down (Blender, magic bullet, slap chop, scissors) then toss the powder in the apple sauce and enjoy :]