Yes cool nugs, given the fact we're going into winter if you can pull air in from outside then that's great. 105F degrees will KILL PLANTS DEAD! So you need to add more intakes from outside air if you can & then make sure to have exhausts to anywhere outside the room, preferably to somewhere the smell won't get noticed. So ya know 105 is completely unacceptable, I wouldn't even attempt to grow in a room that I couldn't control the temp in. 70-75 is optimal. @ 105 degreees I wouldn't think lack of AC is your problem. Since if you're room is 105 you haver to be able to pull cooler temp from somewhere unless you live @ the equator. I would say you need more ventilation from a cool area & alot of it. Put in as many CFM's as you can afford , pulling air from the coolest area possible (outside?) until your temps are down. If that doesn't do it then consider AC.