How do I get boveda packs in Europe/Norway?


New Member
I have tried ordering them in The US, but nobody wants to ship them to me. Any Ideas?
Wanted to buy a C-Vault as well, but they don`t ship. Anybody know where to get hold of one if you`re in Scandinavia?


Have you tried looking on ebay? You might be able to find a seller that ships worldwide. Maybe that will work?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
you have cigar stores there?

according to the internet a derogatory term for norwegian is "Sea Jew" is that correct?

I like this one... Rjeindeer-Fjucker


New Member
you have cigar stores there?

according to the internet a derogatory term for norwegian is "Sea Jew" is that correct?

I like this one... Rjeindeer-Fjucker
Sure we have, but they don`t have the Boveda 62. (Not the ones I have tried anyway.) And since Marihuana is illegal in Norway I don`t feel comfortable asking them to import it for me.

Well, you can say anything about anyone can`t you?