How do i get dormant seeds to break?


Well-Known Member
I just pulled them off my most recent harvest and i need to put them in production asap. The lil fuckers wont germ naturally so i need to break them artificially. It seems like i read something about taking a file to them or but not sure. tia


Well-Known Member
your fuc#^ng kidding aren't you.

No man. i have about 70 lowryder 2 seeds and there's still enough time here to do a big outdoor grow if i can just get my seeds to work.

Im starting to think they might be immature or I pollenated the buds too late or something. They look really healthy though.


Well-Known Member
I have an abundance of seeds so i can afford to experiment a little if anyone has any suggestions. The matchbox idea sounds like it could work.


Active Member
have you dried them out yet , seeds have much better germ rates once theyve dried out for a while . never heard of healthy looking seeds that wouldn't germ at all. maybe as you say they are no good . but def never heard of sandpapering or filing seeds.guess youve got nothing to lose though.


Active Member
dormant suggests currently out of action, as in, will be back at some time , not how seeds work , they don't just go into hybernation for a while.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
ive heard of this bruse the surface of the seed and then placeing it in a cup of water this allows for the water to get under the pertective surface of the seed and this till the seed it time


the shell has no purpose other than protection, sanding or filing to gently scratch the surface exposes the surface of the seed to water. It helps to soften it for the root to come out.

Water is no good to the outside of the seed. But be very gentle remember its fragile on the inside.