How do i get my extractor fan to start when the growroom reaches a certain temp.


Active Member
I have a heater which is connected to a temp controller which starts the heater when the temp goes below a certain temp.

What do I connect my extractor fan to, so it starts when a certain temp is reached in the grow room. IE the temp goes higher then my pre-set temp.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Google "line voltage thermostat". If you get a "double throw" one, you can have it either turn something on when the temp is above OR below a certain temp, as most are used for heaters and only turn on when the room temp is below your setting.


Well-Known Member
i use a controler for the fans on the pc it as a sensor for temps and with minor working you can set it up to the extractor in the grow room i use one for the summer.
and its really cheap.


Well-Known Member
Another quick inexpensive solution I found was an attic fan thermostat at Lowes. Caught mine on clearance for 15.00 bucks but they usually run between 20-25 dollars. Basically all it does is turn on a device (attic or gable fan) when the temps rise above the your preset temp and shuts off the device when the temps fall below the preset temp. Very simple to install that even a stoned caveman could do it...all you do is wire it inline on your exhaust fan or blowers power cord and plug it in. I have a Dayton squirrel cage blower as an exhaust fan at the top of my sealed flower room with one of these and it saved my SOG grow when the fan for my six 600w HPS cool tubes didn't turn on once.


Active Member

I have ordered the Thermostat - Honeywell T6360B from the web site. This appears to be the gadget I have been looking for. I should have it installed and tested next week.
Thanks for the replies

UK Grower


Active Member
My local grow shop were charging over 120 pounds for a device to switch on and off my extractor fan at a certain temp, I thought that was very expensive. It's good to see there are cheap alternatives.