How Do I Get Over My Fear Of Dying?


Well-Known Member
From my experiences of what you talk of (lasted several years for me) too much smoking and naval gazing doesnt help. I am also a Virgo and Virgoans are predisposed to suffer from hypercondria which when stoned can become a morbid fear of death, it can affect your life to the point that you wont want to drive your car because it so dangerous etc etc. Give up smoke for a while, iI did for 2 years or so and after smoking again for 8 months now dont suffer with it any more. Knowing that I was suffering from panic attacks helped also as before I thought I was dying every day also...complete mind fuck!:joint:
I can't even imagine that :o I'd never be afraid of death to the point where I don't do normal things, I hope this guy gets through it/gets help.:peace:


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking like if you were about to die and came back you wouldn't fear death you'd love life. Not sure you should try to get near death though...ha:peace:
I was going to say we never try, but there are those of us who do. I've had some very close calls. Last year was... ugh. It wasn't good. But! It certainly gives perspective. And it's all about perspective (and timing, and relativity).


New Member
okay, so lately i cannot stop thinkingabout dying. iknow its weird, and itscares me a lot. but i cannot stop thinking about it and how much icant accept it. i just keep thinkingabout laying in a hospital bed knowing that im going to di, but also knowing that i cant accept its coming....wanting with every breath to live, but knowing that soon i'll lose my breathe.

i think im so afraid because of my atheist i guess. i dont beleive in god (in the same way i dont beleive in the tooth fairy or the easter bunny). i believe that when you die it all ends. no lights, no fire, no peter, no wings, no reincarnation, no limbo, no whatever. just black.

ive bleieved this since i was a child. the only part of you that ithink moves on is your electrical and magnetic energy (duh). but yet, im so afraid to die. i dont want my life to end, i wanna stay with my wife and lovemy kid and grow my crop and keep doing good in the world....but then i reemember the black. thats what i live with day to day.

so i guess my question is: how do i make myslf not fear death?

i tried to watch those nasty videos of people dying, cuz thats what psychiatrists tell you to do when you have a fer of death or blood, but all that did was make me realize that life is so damn short. and it ends so damn fast.

"Two things to help ypu stop thnking about dying. "Keep Living" & "Seek Life/Virtue/Truth"

It could be someone in your mind; they say some minds think alike. I have been thee before: "The Truth shall set you Free"


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, the exact same thoughts used to obsess me for years and years. I was angry at the fact that I didn't ask to be born, but now I was alive so that meant that I would have to die, too. And I just couldn't understand how i could feel so alive, but one day, everything would just stop. I even talked to my old psychologist about it. He told me a story about three men in a canoe, floating down the river towards a huge waterfall. Um...hah I can't remember the exact story, but basically, they were already fucked, so why not enjoy their last moments. I'm not really sure how and when I finally got over the fear of death, but trust me, if I can do it, you can too! No one wants to die, really. But it's a part of life. Life isn't life without death! They are the foils of each other. And life wouldn't really be as meaningful if you just lived on and on and on...That's why you have to make the most of what you have while you're still here. So instead of focusing on the fact that you're going to die someday, and not have your wife and son, instead, enjoy your time with them now! Live it up and don't think of death as so much of a bad thing. I know the unknown is scary, but we're all in this together, really.


Well-Known Member
When i had a really really bad trip it was the first time in my life i was actually convinced i was gonna die. It was a weird intense and shitty feeling. Imagine your falling off a building knowing your gonna die and theres not shit you can do, thats how i felt but just sitting on my couch.

After i came down, and realized i was gonna live, i felt so fucking liberated, i appreciated everything so much more and became a new person. That was 6 years ago and it still affects me to this day.


Well-Known Member
Tripping can be a life changing thing for some. I used to wake up the day after & always say to myself I feel like a different person.


Well-Known Member
i particuallry think that every second i'm alive is the best time ever. Even if im in pain at least i am feeling some thing. I have gotten to a point spiriually that i am always happy for whats happening. i never get angry at any body and i can always sit back and let things work out


Active Member
your body is just the car you're driving right now.... it's gonna run outta steam. have faith that in whatever form, you can get an even better car next time.... but enjoy the ride while you're here (in "now).


Well-Known Member
u cant take life from the life giver youll never die,the devils dead hate is dead love lives so love them and live if you hate them you will die


Active Member
For whatever it's worth, this is what I believe:

Hebrews 2:
9But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

14Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— 15and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

For me, I welcome the time that my body stops working, and I leave this body.