How do i get rid of 100% of the smell during flowering


Hello, i am about to start my first grow but i need some help regarding the smell.

I have a 40 x 40 x 120 cm tent that is paired with a 150 m³/h fan and a 240 m³/h carbon filter.
Will i be able to vent out through my window or will my neighbours catch a whiff when they go out to their balcony (aprox. 10 meters from my window)?
The issue with cheap filters is mostly down to poor packing, if they leave air gaps in there from lack of vibrating it down then you have a space for smell to pass through without proper contact to carbon.
That's all it takes to have a smell problem.

Buy a quality brand filter.

When its working properly a filter will remove the smell and you can vent it outside without worry.
... or will my neighbours catch a whiff when they go out to their balcony (aprox. 10 meters from my window)? ...
Any odour that your cheaper filter didn't scrub during exhaust should dissipate in that ~33 feet between you and your neighbors. But the more pressing question ... have you pissed them off recently?

Generally one exhaust filter is not adequate when you hit peak stench. The addition of a second filter and fan combo as a scrubber, recirculating air in the tent, is the solution. this means the exhaust filter only has to pickup the slack. If you have enough scrubbing then you won't smell the weed standing right in front of it in the room. A quality filter like a Phat filter running to process the volume of your tent 2x a minute will eliminate odor. You can setup the scrubber so that it circulates air from the bottom to the top of the tent with a stick of duct, this will avoid blasting the plants and provide even temperatures throughout the tent.
When you're paranoid like me you can also put a 4L Ona tub in room just not in the tent and works fine