how do i know when to flush


Active Member
You flush 2 weeks before your harvest date, so when you see your buds swelling or your trichomes getting close to the way you want them do your flush. Now how to do it? You just pour 1.5-2 times the volume of the container of water in your pot. it'll be messy and get dirt everywhere, and you'll probably think youve killed your plant because a lot of leaves will yellow and fall off over the next two weeks. That's good though because your plant doesn't have any more fertilizer in the soil so it's killing off the fan leaves to use the energy stored in them. It gives your plants a nice stinky smell and a cleaner smoke :)


New Member
It's all opinion on when and how to flush.

First off you need to guesstimate when your harvest will be, some say flush 3 weeks, others like myself 1 week. Some just water normally for a few weeks, others actually bring their plants to a tub or sink and flush with 10+ gallons of water.

I only flush a week, even if you heavily feed in peak of flower you need no more then a week.
If I'm in a 5 gallon the first flush I will run as much as 10 gallons, but I usually end up doing as little as 6. Then the next watering about 3-4 days later depending on environment I do the same amount of water as the size of the container, so 5 gallons. Then the last flush I do a little less then the 5 gallons, maybe 3-4. Then I allow soil to almost dry out and then harvest. In my environment it's about a total of 7-10 days.

Water only. No need for flushing agents.


Well-Known Member
Funny as hell just mad you took a shit and took a pic for this purpose lol btw looks kinda like the 14 inch turd i flushed today(biggest 1 i ever seen that came out of me) lol

Next time get a picture...shits like that don't come around to often. It felt like I Gave birth out of my ass hole.